Page 10 - Volunteer Handbook
P. 10
Mission and Ser�i�e Minis�ries
Wor� Da� Volun�eer
Volunteers with others at one of our
Missions agencies doing odd jobs, etc.
Time commitment: 4-6 hours
Ba���a�� Buddies
Organize food into packs to provide weekend
meals and snacks to children in need.
Time commitment: 2+ hours, 4 ti mes a month
Meals on W�eels
Delivers prepackaged meals to housebound—
Meals provided by Senior Citi zens.
Time commitment: 2-3 hours per assignment, 1-2 ti mes per month
LOVE Men�ors
Tutor children in school to help them with reading.
Time commitment: 2-4 hours per week (dep. on how many mentees)
Re�ional Missions Tri�
Parti cipate in semi-local mission acti viti es such as hurricane relief.
Time commitment: 2-3 days
In�erna�ional Missions Tri�
Serve with group from church in a foreign country.
Time commitment: 5-7 days
Missions Co��i��ee
Parti cipates in acti viti es and decisions about
which agencies to support and how to help them.
Time commitment: 1 - 2 hour meeti ng per month, plus other acti viti es
Missions A��i�i�ies Fundraisin� E�en�s
Parti cipates in acti viti es to raise money
for agencies our church supports.
Time commitment: Varies, typically 4 hours