Page 14 - Volunteer Handbook
P. 14

�oards � Co��i��ees

          The following boards/committ ees are appointed for three year terms
          and approved by the congregati on at the Annual Charge Conference.

                          Ad�inis�ra�i�e Board
        Responsible  for  the  church’s  fi nances,  faciliti es,  staff ,  lay  leader
        appointments. Provides support and development for programs in
         additi ons to making recommendati ons for new program funding.
        Board comprised of Committ ee Chairs, Staff  and at-large members
                          representi ng the congregati on.

                        La� Leaders�i� Co��i��ee
        Identi fi es, nurtures, recruits, and nominates leaders for service to
        the church on key committ ees and teams. These nominati ons are
         approved by the congregati on at the Annual Charge Conference.

                  S�a��/Paris� Rela�ions Co��i��ee
        Annually assesses the staff /pastor, confers and consults with the
        district  superintendent  when  required,  and  establishes  a  search
                           team for staff  replacement.

                            Finan�e Co��i��ee
        Responsible for identi fying and managing the fi nances of the church
        and congregati on through program budgets and the development
                           of annual funding programs.

                            Trus�ees Co��i��ee
        Supervise, maintain, and control the use of all property belonging
                                  to the church.

                          Coun�il on Minis�ries
                          Coordinate department heads.
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