Page 13 - Volunteer Handbook
P. 13
Pro�ra� Su��or� Minis�ries
Co��uni�a�ion Co��i��ee
Help the offi ce staff with large mailings -
i.e. stuffi ng and stamping envelopes, postcards, etc.
Time commitment: As needed
A��endan�e Tea�
Update church att endance records based on Friendship Pads;
identi fy and contact new & returning visitors.
Time commitment: 1.5-3 hours per week
New Me��er Tea�
Arrange for orientati on luncheon/dinner for new members.
Time commitment: As needed
New Nei���ors Tea�
Identi fy and contact new residents for potenti al membership.
Time commitment: As needed
S�ewards�i� Tea�
Conduct annual stewardship campaign to
support the fi nancial needs of the church.
Time commitment: 1 hour weekly from September - January
C�ur�� O��i�e Volun�eer
Help with offi ce duti es - answering phone and other secretarial duti es.
Time commitment: As needed