Page 9 - Volunteer Handbook
P. 9
You�� Minis�ries
S�e�ial E�en�s and T�e�e Ni���s
Chaperone special youth events
(i.e. movie and game nights) throughout the year.
Time commitment: Twice a year
Co��uni�� Ou�rea�� � Mission O��or�uni�ies
Assist in organizing and transporti ng youth for varying
local mission opportuniti es that are scheduled throughout the year.
Time commitment: As needed
You�� Sunda�
Assist with organizing a special Sunday that celebrates
our youth, their gift s, and the accomplishments of our
confi rmands and graduati ng seniors.
Time commitment: Once a year
Ri�er o� Li�e
Plan and supervise constructi on projects throughout
the week for annual Summer mission Trip.
Time commitment: One week
Drive the church bus to and from diff erent youth acti viti es.
Time commitment: As needed
Hos� Ho�es
Host your home for various youth events throughout the year.
Time commitment: As needed