Page 6 - Volunteer Handbook
P. 6

C�ildren’s Minis�ries

                     SAFE Sanctuary Guidelines require two adults
                     present for each separate children’s acti vity.

                        C�ildren’s C�ur�� (�re-�)
                Assist in leading pre-planned lessoned for Pre-K students
                    (3-5 years) including craft s, story ti me and play.
         Time commitment: 1 hour during Sunday worship several ti mes a year
                C�ildren’s C�ur�� (Earl� Ele�en�ar�)

                Assist in leading pre-planned lessons for one classroom
                     of early Elementary (K - 3rd grade) students.
                    Time commitment: 1 hour on Sunday morning

                            Re�rea� C�a�erones
              Help with overnight trips with older elementary age children
                      off ered a few ti mes during the school year.
             Time commitment: Friday through Sunday based on the event

                     Su��er Ca�� Tea��ers/Aides

             Lead a curriculum including music, recreati on, study, and craft s.
                    Time commitment: 1 week during the summer

                    Musi� E��lora�ion C�a�erones
        Help  with  summer  day-camp  experience  for  elementary  age  children.
                  Time commitment: 3.5 hours (9:00 am - 12:30 pm)
                 Monday through Friday, one week during the summer
                                Dra�a Ca��

             Assist in teaching and preparati on for a musical play performed
            in the Sanctuary at the end of the session. Also includes assisti ng
                     in craft s, games and snacks during the week.
                    Time commitment: 1 week during the Summer

                                Nurser� Tea�
                  Provide infant toddler care during Sunday worship,
                fellowship dinners, or as required for special occasions.
                            Time commitment: 1-3 hours
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