Page 7 - Volunteer Handbook
P. 7

Edu�a�ion Minis�ries

                              Adul� Edu�a�ion
                  Explore opportuniti es for adult Christi an educati on,
                assist in planning, facilitati ng and supporti ng programs.
                       Time commitment: Quarterly meeti ngs
                           S�all Grou� Leaders

              Facilitate studies for either short-term or on-going sessions
           for varied topics including the Bible, Christi an books or faith issues.
                            Time commitment: Variable

                      Sunda� S��ool Class Leaders
                   Study topics vary depending on the parti cipants.
                        Time commitment: 1 hour per week

                         Su��or� Grou� Gree�er
              Provide hospitality and nurture for a specifi c support group.
                     Time commitment: 1-5 hours once a month
                  C�ildren’s Ro�a�ion S�a�ion Leader

                   Lead pre-planned lessons in art, science, drama,
                    or cooking to support the Biblical curriculum.
                Time commitment: 1 hour for each Sunday for 1 month

                C�ildren’s Ro�a�ion S�a�ion S�e��erd
                        Serve as a helper for one age group of
                     children as they rotate to diff erent lessons.
                Time commitment: 1 hour for each Sunday for 1 month
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