Page 4 - Volunteer Handbook
P. 4

Wors�i� Minis�ries

                              Funeral Us�ers
             Greet guests, provide bulleti ns and usher to seats if necessary.
                           Time commitment: As needed

                             Wel�o�in� Tea�
                   Seek out new members and visitors assist them
                      and ensure that everyone feels welcomed.
                        Time commitment: 1 hour on Sunday

                   Provides transportati on services to membership.
                        Time commitment: 1 hour on Sunday

                          Co��union S�ewards
                          Assist with serving Communion.
                   Time commitment: First Sunday of every month

                        Sound/Video Te��ni�ians
                            Assist with the sound room.
                        Time commitment: 1 hour on Sunday
                            Wors�i� Co��i��ee

        Membership includes the chairpersons or coordinators of groups
        involved in worship: head ushers, altar guild, bapti sm, communion
        guild, fl ower guild, acolytes and crucifers, funeral ushers, weddings,
        seasonal decorati ons and liturgists, in additi on to the senior pastor,
           the director of music ministries, and three members at-large.

                             Musi� Co��i��ee
        Includes individuals with responsibiliti es in the music ministry of
        the church as well as those who are not musicians, thus allowing for
        feedback from the congregati on as a whole; fostering and assisti ng
                      with the total music life of the church.
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