Page 2 - Newsletter 2023 Vol. 7 Issue 1_
P. 2

From EY Director’s Desk

                                 May I express `a warm welcome to new and existing families joining us at EPG
                                 Early Years! We hope 2023-24 brings lots of opportunities for your children to
                                 be fully involved in the adventures, trips, curriculum lessons and the exciting
                                 events we will offer this year. We strive to provide innovative and exciting
                                 opportunities for children registered with us and in our care.

                                 We have hosted several enriching events so far this year starting with our
                                 World Teacher’s Day, International Week /Open Day, Health Week,
                                 Supermarket  trips,  Community  Week,  World  Children’s  Day, Sports  Week,
                                 Dasma and Qidsiya Trips, World Arabic Language Day. You will read more
                                 about these events in this newsletter.
                                 Play – Is a Child’s Work
                                 You will have probably heard such language as :
                                 Heuristic Play – this is where everyday objects

                                 (such as sensory boxes, pots and pans) are being
                                 used by for Tiny Tots and Pre FSL ) that  provide
                                 sensory stimulation for children to learn on their own,
                                 Child initiated and Teacher led – play self-selected activities,
                                 Purposeful Play – play-goal oriented activities, linked to learning
                                 expectations or tasks,
                                 Solitary Play – (playing alone - Tiny Tots) ,
                                 Cooperative Play (2 or more groups),
                                 Dramatic Play – puppets to encourage “talk”, (characters and role play in the

                                 Small World Centre).
                                 Parallel Play – (children play side by side),
                                 Age Appropriate Play – (Tiny Tots play differs from FS2),
                                 Sensory Play – (touch, smell, taste, hear sounds and sight - looking visual cues)
                                 Physical Play – (movement to promote strength, balance)
            1                    You will see your children engaged in all of these kinds of play at EPG!
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