Page 4 - Newsletter 2023 Vol. 7 Issue 1_
P. 4

Process-Driven and

       not, Product-Driven

                        Process-Driven and not, Product-Driven

                        When teachers focus on how children learn, they design experiences that concentrate on
                        exploration, discovery and children’s thought processes rather than just the end-product.
                        These are called ‘Process-Driven Experiences’.
                        There are several misconceptions towards process-driven experiences, and it is note-worthy to
                        dispel them to fully grasp the signi cance of process-driven learning in early childhood

                        Which of these have you heard?

                        Misconception 1: Process-driven learning does not support academic learning
                        Subject areas like Literacy, Maths, Science etc. are integrated into experiential activities,
                        which are developmentally appropriate and engaging for children.
                        As an example, children may engage in simple project-based activities that develop from
                        enquiry then, supported by storytelling and creative writing as well as experiments,
                        constructing or measuring.

                        Misconception 2: Process-driven learning lacks structure
                        Yes, children are given independence to explore and discover however, it is not synonymous to
                        lacking structure and guidance. Effective teaching includes planning activities with clear
                        guidelines whilst still allowing room for exploration and autonomy.

                        Misconception 3:  Process-driven  learning  leaves  children  insuf ciently  unprepared  for
                        standardised tests
                        Process-driven learning strongly fosters critical thinking, problem-solving and a deeper
                        understanding of concepts as opposed to rote memorisation. Its assessment method is not
                        traditional but still aligns with the curriculum expectations. Through observations and
                        documentation of a child’s progress, assessments focus on holistic development and not just
                        the academic achievement of a child.

                        Misconception 4: Process-driven learning lacks tangible outcome
                        Process-driven learning discourages ‘cookie-cutter’ products where children’s works are identical
                        and close to perfection. As an example, the  nal creative output might not be the usual
                        recognisable art and craft but it will represent a child’s creativity and genuine interpretation
                        and understanding of a concept. In process-driven learning, outcome is always unique and
                        unpredictable for each learner. EPG’s way of showcasing each child’s process-driven experiences
                        and learning is through the ‘Learning Journey’ folder which are released to parents thrice a
                        year. By shifting our focus from the end-product to forging children’s engagement, motivation
                        and thinking, we support the children’s authentic experiences and meaningful
                        expressions oftheir enquiries, investigations, and discoveries.

                                                                                                                Naomi Veras
                                                                                                                   EY Curriculum Director
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