Page 3 - MOSAIC issue 12 Jan-Apr 2024_Neat
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                elcome to the most recent edition of MOSAIC.   On page 10, Jo has an engaging piece that focuses on the
                As I write this, it is hard to believe that another   prophetic. We review Michael Marshall’s latest book, Lent
        Wyear has already passed and that so much has         with the Beloved Disciple, on page 15, which is an excellent
        transpired around the globe; nevertheless, there are   six-week resource for personal study or group use.
        a lot of things for which we should be grateful to God,
        and I hope that within the following few pages, you will   The edition of MOSAIC is also an excellent opportunity
        find both encouragement and inspiration.              to introduce you to a new team member, North of the
                                                              Borders, as Jon Timms joins us. You can learn more about
        Together with the Fenlands Church in Cambridgeshire   Jon and his family on page 4.
        and the Acoustic84 communities in Dorset, we rejoice
        in the recent baptisms in their communities. The      Finally, may I share a thought that God has been placing
        congregation of Mount Zion church was astounded by    on my heart over the past few months, that is, for us as a
        God’s provision in the form of a Lego café, which brought   network to become more intentional about prayer. We will
        in more than ninety individuals, both adults and children.   be developing some resources over the coming months,
        We continue to hold Open Blue in prayer with the recent   which you might want to keep an eye out for.
        launch of work in Wellington Place, a small MOD estate in
        Wiltshire, but we are expecting great things because God
        is clearly in charge.                                 Revd Simon Mattholie
                                                              CEO Rural Ministries
        There are some encouraging updates from the Cotswolds;
        the church building in Stow-on-the-Wold [Page 8]
        is increasingly used by the community and hosts a
        dementia café, food bank and a Community Hub. Prince
        Andrew’s Chapel in Norfolk has offered their grounds to
        the local green spaces group, who have planted them              Don’t worry about anything; instead,
        with a wildflower bed to which the church has added a           pray about everything. Tell God what
        bench and a birdbath.
                                                                       you need, and thank him for all he has
        We have another article from Steve Aisthorpe, who works          done. Then you will experience God’s
        for RM in Kilmalieu, Scotland one day a week to assist in       peace, which exceeds anything we can
        establishing another Rural Hub. This time, Steve discusses      understand. His peace will guard your
        the day of small things [Page 16]. We take heart from what
        the Holy Spirit is accomplishing North of the border, and        hearts and minds as you live in Christ
        we would be grateful for your continued prayers as we seek                Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 (NLT)
        to respond to the developments and opportunities.

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