Page 7 - MOSAIC issue 12 Jan-Apr 2024_Neat
P. 7


        Coltishall, Norfolk
        There has been a strange work of God
        among us at BroadGrace recently. Strange
        in the sense that the world around us
        would not know what to make of it rather
        than strange to us. It has been a season
        of blessing in the middle of suffering. This
        is Christ’s way and yet it is wonderful,
        though hard, to experience it. Among
        our church family there has been more
        ill-health, loss, grief, sorrow, and strain
        than usual. As elders we are, for one
        reason or another, more stretched than
        we have been previously. The temptation
        is to hunker down (especially given the
        darkness of winter) and lick our wounds.   Durrington Community Church,
                                                   Durrington, Wiltshire
        But that is not what we have seen. The
        Holy Spirit has moved us to faith in       We have had a busy six months serving our community in sharing
        Christ and love for one another. There     the Gospel.
        has been a lot of practical care for
        each other although it has come with       Our holiday club was very successful, with over twenty children building
        encouragement in the gospel, talking       a cardboard box version of Jericho. We were blessed with the weather
        openly about fears, sorrows and even       and after the city was demolished, the children had fun playing with the
        doubts. We long all the more for the       boxes. Who needs a Nintendo Switch when you have a box?
        coming of the Lord Jesus on that day
        when he will wipe away our last tears,     Our Harvest Supper was very well attended and some of those who
        and all darkness will be obliterated by    attended have already asked whether we are going to do one next year!
        his warm and glorious light. But we
        also see him working among us. Please      We are blessed to be allowed into all three of our village schools
        pray that we continue to walk in step      in various roles, from chaplaincy and mentoring to Open the Book
        with the Spirit, full of love and faith.   assemblies. At the end of October, our annual Light Party was attended by
        And pray that this season would be one     several families, some of whom are not regular attendees to our weekly
        of fruitful witness as well as fruitful    events such as the After School Club or Tea & Toast.
        growth in Christ. The world around us
        suffers without hope – may we be given     Christmas and the New Year often provides many opportunities. Everyone
        opportunity to share the reason for the    who attends our events over this period will get an invitation to an Alpha
        hope that we have despite the pain.        Course, which we plan to run early in 2024.

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