Page 6 - MOSAIC issue 12 Jan-Apr 2024_Neat
P. 6


        Albert Road Evangelical,                            Fenlands Church, Tydd Gote,
        Oswestry, Shropshire                                Cambridgeshire

        We are a small church and have been without a pastor   "...pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is
        since July. Our church managing trustees are guiding   God’s will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:17-18 NIV
        us as we look for a new pastor trusting to God’s
        leading, and your prayers for this would be valued.   There is always plenty to be thankful for. God has blessed us
        People have pulled together to keep the various     with new people, and some will be baptised. We are grateful
        ministries of the church going, contributing in a   for blessings in our youth work and good fellowship on a
        number of ways.                                     Sunday morning. Also, our Tea Room initiative has brought us
                                                            new contacts and is a great meeting place for the church. Our
        Our weekly Little Gems group for mothers and toddlers   women had a great day together at Little Gidding in October.
        continues, with a very competent new leader and a
        small team of faithful supporters. This has been a   As we begin 2024, we are seeking wisdom from the Lord about
        blessing to the helpers and those who attend. It is not   what we should do. We are considering an Alpha Course and
        always easy to organise outreach to the community   some youth outreach with our sister church in Thorney. Also,
        because of the availability of volunteers; nevertheless   we are praying about links with other local churches. This
        we are planning to hold our yearly Pancake Party    already happens in fellowship evenings that we have called
        outreach in February and would welcome your prayers.   ‘Village Praise’. Our women will continue their excellent efforts
                                                            at wider fellowship and prayer support. We are planning to
                                                            improve our fellowship opportunities for men, and we are also
        Open Blue, Calne, Wiltshire                         looking at offering a regular ‘Bible teaching and discussion
                                                            day’ where we can help one another in the many challenges
        It is early days with Open Blue’s work at Wellington   facing Christians today.
        Place, a small MOD housing estate cut off from
        the rest of the MOD facility at Buckley Barracks by
        barbed wire on one side, and Hullavington village by
        farmer’s fields on the other (see our article in the last
        issue of MOSAIC). Since being supported by Rural
        Ministries towards the end of 2023 we have visited
        the community twice. Our after-school club has been
        very well received by children and parents, and we
        look forward to building on this encouraging start. The
        children have enjoyed the craft and cooking activities.
        One parent has accompanied her children when
        they have visited both times and I get a sense she is
        feeling lonely and isolated having recently moved to
        the estate. We look forward to getting to know her and
        her children so we can support and encourage her as
        she settles in the community.

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