Page 9 - MOSAIC issue 12 Jan-Apr 2024_Neat
P. 9

Epping Green Chapel, Epping Green Essex                                  Bootle Evangelical
        Our regular activities continue, and we have a weekly coffee morning on   Church, Bootle,
        Wednesdays, and then on Thursday and Friday the church is open for people
        to drop in and talk to our Pastor (and his many cats!) over a cup of tea. Once a   Cumbria
        month there is a popular bring and share meal, after the service, which is open
        to all.                                                                  As we continue our Sunday services,
                                                                                 weekly activities and outreach
        Most Wednesdays we have Bible lessons in the chapel focussing on how to study   opportunities, we pray for the Gospel
        the Bible and actually understand it. This is followed by a time of prayer. Zoom   impact on the people of the village and
        continues to be useful for our Thursday evening group and once a month a small   surrounding area. We pray particularly
        team of us take ‘Songs of Praise’ into the local hospital.               for our awareness of any new areas
                                                                                 in which God is at work. We will look
        Please pray for the Alpha Course we are planning in the new year and the new   forward to celebrating Easter with
        outreach being planned for the nearby town of Epping. We are still in need of a   special services for Good Friday and
        treasurer and a church secretary so please pray that someone suitable will feel   Easter Sunday and the opportunity to
        prompted to come forward for these roles.                                share the joy of a risen Christ!

        Pinchbeck Baptist Church, Pinchbeck,


        As we go into another new year, we pray that we will continue to follow the Holy Spirit’s
        leading. Last autumn, we welcomed seven new members to the fellowship and baptisms
        are planned for Easter Sunday 2024.

        Sue has been pastor for two years now and continues with the foundational work of the
        Church including looking at the way we are structured. New people into the church have
        brought in new skills, the worship group has grown and with that is a deepening of the
        worship of the fellowship. There has been specific prayer over the years for technology
        to be upgraded and ‘techy’ folk are now able to take this forward. We believe this is
        God’s timing and a website, although fledgling, is now linked to the Facebook page. We
        also feel that it is important to reach out to the community using the digital world and
        develop this. This goes alongside our community outreach with Tea Coffee Toast, the
        Community Garden development and other activities bringing the community together.

        Prayer requests: Because we have grown quickly as a fellowship over the last two years,
        please pray for unity and a common sense of purpose. We have a fellowship meal
        planned for the end of January to assist this. Please thank God for all he is doing and
        pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to give his guidance and direction as 2024 unfolds.

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