Page 1 - The Dr.Talk Monthly Magazine
P. 1
WORD Pronunciation Sentence Example
ONION Un - E - N (Not "ON - E - EN"). He is Cutting an Onion.
POTATO Po – Tay – Toe (Not "PO - TAT- O"). This Potato Sandwich is very tasty.
TOMATO Toe – May – Toe (Not "TA - MAT - O"). I Love Tomato Soup.
WORK Wuh – k (Not "WURRK") What time do you go to Work?
SOUR Suv - er (Not "SHEW ER / SOOR") This drink is very sour.
AGAINST A-gayn-st (Not "AGAIN - IST") Don't lean against the wall.
RAINING Ray – Ning (Not "RAYN - ING") Its Raining very heavily.
Dr.Talk would like to thank.
SWITZERLAND Switz – er – lendh (Not "SWITZER - LAND"). The Chocolates from Switzerland are excellent.
Mr. Anand & Family.
IRON I-Earn (Not "I - REN / I - RON"). The Iron Bars fell on him.
The Sixth Sick Sheikh’s Mr. Ashwin & Family.
USED You-Sd (Not "YOU - Z-ED"). I used to be bad at speaking English. Mrs. Barveen &Family.
Sixth Sheep’s Sick.
HELICOPTER Hell - e - Cop - Ter (Not "HELL - E - COF - TER") Someday I will own my own Helicopter. Mrs. Geetha & Family.
Mr. Jagadish & Family.
Mr. Mahesh MV & Family.
Ms. Pallavi & Family.
Mr. Reddy & Family.
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