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P. 2

THE MAN  WITH  TWO  FACES                                                                                    Dr. Talk’s Vocabulary

      THE WEIRD STORY OF EDWARD MORDRAKE                                                                                    Game Builder.

                                                                                                                      How Many Words Can You Think Of
   In  an  1896  medical  encyclopedia  co-authored  by  two  respected  physicians  presented                       Ending like the Following Examples?
   astonished readers with reports from The Royal Scientific Society documenting the existence

   of  “marvels  and  monsters”  hitherto  believed  imaginary.  The  “Human  Freaks”  supposedly                          ee:   Agree,   Guarantee.
   catalogued by the British scientists include a Mermaid, A Terrifying “Human Crab,” And the

   Unfortunate Edward Mordrake, who would soon become an enduring urban legend.                                         ese:  Japanese,  Cheese .

   Edward Mordrake was an English nobleman, who had everything one, could ask for from life. In
   addition to his handsome, normal face, Mordrake possessed a terrifying disfigurement:                                ian:  Comedian, Technician.

   Another  Face on the  Back of His Head. This horrifying second face was that of a                                     ity:   Immunity, Gravity.
   beautiful young girl.
                                                                                                                     acy:      Democracy, Autocracy.
   Despite the loveliness of the strange visage, there was no doubt it possessed an intelligence of
   its  own  “of  a  malignant  sort.”Edward  Mordrake  was  constantly  plagued  by  his  “devil  twin,”            Rating: 4 Words Each = Avg.  5 Words Each

   which kept him up all night whispering “such things as they only speak of in hell.”                               = Good. 8 Words Each = Outstanding

   The young man was eventually driven mad and took his own life at the age of just twenty-three,
   leaving behind a note ordering the evil face be destroyed after his death, “Lest It Continues Its
   Dreadful Whispering In My Grave.”                                                                                ary:  Primary, Diary.

                                                                                                                    ion:   Relation, Vegetation

      Build Your Vocabulary Step
                By Step                                                One new word is

     English has a vast vocabulary,                                   added to the English
           with over 250,000                                         Language Every Two
      Different words listed in the                                    Hours. 4,000 new
       Oxford English Dictionary.                                   words are added yearly
                                                                    to the English dictionary.

        COCKROACH MILK ANYBODY ?                                                      97 % ENGINEERING     GRADUATES   CANNOT

                                                                                         SPEAK ENGLISH FLUENTLY: SAYS SURVEY

    It might not be everyone's cup of tea, but scientists say cockroach        As many as 97% engineering graduates in the country cannot speak English, which is
    milk could become a new Superfood. Insect dairy could be the next            required  for  jobs  in  corporate  sales  or  business  consulting,  revealed  a  new  survey.
    big  thing  on  supermarket  shelves  and  in  our  diets.  A  South  African   Published in The HINDUSTAN TIMES, The survey found that 51% of them are not

    company called  GOURMET  GRUBB has already started selling insect-         employable  based  on  their spoken English  scores  and  of  the  6 lakh  engineers  that
                                                                               graduate  annually,  only  2.9%  candidates  are  the  fluent  while  speaking  English.
    milk ice cream.

                                                                               Pronunciation and fluency were found to be major barriers in effective spoken English.

    Most  cockroaches  do  not  actually  produce  milk.  The  PACIFIC         The  survey,  conducted  by  ASPIRING  MINDS,  an  employability  evaluation  and

    BEETLE COCKROACH is the only one known to feed milk to its young.          certification  company,  took  into  account  almost  30,000  students  across  500
    They discovered that the milk was much richer in nutrients than dairy        engineering  colleges  in  the  country.  The  survey  also  showed  that  while  Delhi,
                                                                               Mumbai,  Pune  and  Bangalore  fare  the  best  in  speaking  in  English,  Engineering
                                                                                 students from Hyderabad and Chennai need maximum improvement.
    TO  CONTAIN  MORE  THAN  THREE  TIMES  THE  ENERGY  OF  AN  EQUIVALENT     A HR manager with Syntel said, “We employ people who are capable, however, students with

    AMOUNT OF DAIRY MILK." The crystals were also full of amino acids and      good academic records as well as language skills make a good asset to the company and may
    proteins.                                                                  also be offered a better profile.”
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