Page 5 - The Dr.Talk Monthly Magazine
P. 5


                  Fill in the blanks with the right words below.                                        IMPROVE YOUR                     MATCH THE FOLLOWING
                                                                                                         VOCABULARY                 VOCABULARY COMPREHENSION

                                         KEY WORDS                                                       MOTPEENYML                1. Worth         A. Understand

                                                                                                            ROPSET                 2. Deal          B. Purchase
   1. CONTENT       2. FRUSTRATED       3. DEAL                 4. GLANCE                       5. LENGTHY          RFEFEITDN      3. Ploughing    C. Brief Look

                                                                                                           VELTRAIN                4. Digest        D. Programming
   6. MULTI            7. INSIGHT                 8. PROJECTS        9. ACQUISITION            10. FOCUS        AGHRMRUBE          5. Glance        E. Funding

                                                                                                            AOEGRN                 6. Coding        F. Relationship
   11. BULK            12. CLASSIC                 13. CODING          14. ATTRACTED           15. FIT        16. TIE.   ORCENR    7. Investment   G. Valued At

                                                                                                            CTEHLSO                8. Acquisition   H. Match
   A British teenager has become a (1) ____________-millionaire after selling an app he created to           WASTE                 9. Tie-Up        I. Agreement

   web giant Yahoo. The             (2) ____________ is reported to be worth up to $30 million and           REFNGI                 10. Fit         J. Wading
   includes  a  position  working  on  Yahoo's  future  mobile                  (3)  ____________.  Nick   EUFCNSOD

   D'Aloisio, 17, started his ‘Summly app’ when he was just 15. He was studying for school                   SINLA
   exams and became (4) ____________ at ploughing through                      (5) ____________ online      2 WAYS TO SPEAKING ENGLISH FLUENTY…

   articles. He created the app to summarise long reports so people could more easily digest              THE GRAMMAR AND
   the  content.  Yahoo's  boss  of  mobile  (6)  ____________  development  Adam  Cahan  said:  "It         VOCABULARY ROUTE.           THE SPOKEN ROUTE.

   started with an (7) ____________, that we live in a world of constant information and need new
   ways to simplify how we find the stories that are important to us, at a    (8) ____________."

   Mr  D'Aloisio  started  (9)  ____________  when  he  was  12  years  old  and  developed  the  (10)

   ____________ of his Summly app in his bedroom. He launched his app when he was 15 and it
   soon       (11)  ____________  over  $1.5  million  of  investment,  including  from  Hollywood  stars

   Ashton Kutcher and Stephen Fry. The     (12) ____________ by Yahoo makes the British teen
   one of the world's youngest self-made millionaires. He believes his           (13) ____________-up

   with Yahoo is perfect, saying: "To me, Yahoo is the best company to be joining right now

   because  it's  one  of  these  (14)  ____________  Internet  companies.  With  new  leadership  from   REMEMBER…THE BEST WAY TO   LEARN ANY LANGUAGE IS BY
   Marissa Mayer, Yahoo has a strong                 (15) ____________ on mobile and product, and    TRYING TO SPEAK IT, MISTAKES AND ALL.

   that's the perfect (16) ____________ for Summly."                                                                                  KEEP TALKING... By, Dr. Talk.

     TEST YOUR GENERAL KNOWLEDGE                                                                           SENTENCE STRUCTURE PRACTICE…
                                                                   OPPOSITES…                       REARRANGE THE FOLLOWING INTO PROPER SENTENCES.
      1.  Name the First City In Asia to get Street Lights ?   What’s the Opposite of ?

      2.  True or false? The horse is the fastest land animal?             Buy                   1. Pronunciation / I / Course / In / Took / A / English.
        3.  Which is the longest highway in India?                                               2. The / The / Film / Famous / Of / Cast / Actors / Are / All.
      4.  How many sides does a triangle have?                             Soft                  3.  The / Received / Bad / Good / And / Film / Reviews / Some / Ones / Some.

      5.  What five-letter word becomes shorter                           Wide                   4.  Homework / Essay / Pollution / Write / Want / I / You / To / On / An / For.
         When you add two letters to it?                                  Right
                                                                           Just                  5.  Must / Candidates / Two / Answer / Questions / Paper / Each / From.
      6.  What’s the only word in English with 3 Y’s in it?                                      6. Because / All / Coughed / Day / I / Cold / Had / A / I.
        7.  Which month has 28 days?                                      Cheap                  7.  Blood / Saw / She / When / Fainted / She / The

      8.  What is the name of the closest star to Earth?                 Empty                   8. is / Three / A / Medicine / Take / Day / Times
      9.  Which is the smallest country in world?                                                9.  Be / Down / For / Spelling / Poor / Punctuation / And / You’ll / Marked.
                                                                                                10. End / At / Chapter / Of / The / Book / Exercises / The / Has / Every
    10.   The Eiffel Tower is found in?                                 Cleaned

                                                                                                       ADD QUALITY TO  YOUR VOCABULARY WITH THESE
                                                                TONGUE TWISTER                      WORDS.. PRACTICE BY USING THESE WORDS IN SENTENCES

            THE JOB CORNER
                                                                                                     1.  ANENCEPHALOUS - Absence of a Brain.
                                                                                                     2.  DOOZY - Something Really Good.
                  Job Opportunities for all.                        Which  Wrist                     3.  KERFUFFLE - A Mild Scandal, Commotion or Fuss.
                                                               Watches  Are  Swiss                   4.  GOBBLEDYGOOK - Meaningless or Nonsensical Language.
   Wanted person with a D.Phamra

   qualification for a pharmacy in a govt.                       Wrist  Watches ?                    5.  FLUMMOX - To Perplex or Bewilder.
                                                                                                     6.  KLUTZ - A Clumsy or Foolish Person.
   hospital at KR Puram, Bangalore.
                                                              Why did the boy bury his               7.  SHENANIGAN - Silly Behaviour.
   Please contact  Mr. kishore.                                        flashlight?                   8.  SKULLDUGGERY - Deception or Trickery.
   # 8904642669                                                 (Because The Batteries Died.)        9.  LOLLYGAG - To Dawdle or Spend Time Aimlessly.
                                                                                                     10. CANTANKEROUS - Bad Tempered or Grumpy.
   1   2   3   4   5