Page 4 - The Dr.Talk Monthly Magazine
P. 4
Fake news is also called yellow journalism because the people who spread such malicious lies are considered too morally weak and corrupt to be able to
have a rational honest dialogue with society. Therefore they resort to such cheap means of spreading false news in search of fame and power.
Remember cheap news is usually from a cheap sender. Whatsapp, Facebook and Instagram are full of them.
What type of Human Brain can resort to blind belief, violence, pangs of Sympathy and empathy, based on information it cannot understand? Us, the
human. We can be swayed emotionally, religiously, categorically, insidiously, ‘humorically’ and finally numerically. Here are some examples if you
remember these messages you may have received through social media.
The seven-headed cobra – (This image also got close to 10 million views.)
No, your phone won't explode by your taking a call.
Your Phone’s Battery charge will increase if you forward a Message.
Fake news going around in Whatsapp circles is most likely to spread and affect people. There is always someone trying to abuse your common sense,
education and Family values, despite your education and great sense of common sense, they constantly search for your gullibility. We are human we are
bound to react to emotionally sensitive news. Here are a few helpful places to verify some extraordinary news you may receive.
Nobel Laureate Kailash Satyarthi: “In India, Two Children Are Raped, Four Are Sexually
✓ Webqoof Abused And Eight Go Missing Every Hour. Isn’t This A National Emergency?” We should
✓ Boom Fact Check be working towards solving such realistic issues instead of reacting to weird news
✓ Social Media Hoax Slayer Alt News received via Whatsapp etc.
✓ Check4spam.Com
Make India Great Again, Spread Your Education And Respect.
Also try checking the websites of TV and Radio stations such as Udaya News, TV9, checking the websites of newspapers such as Vijay Karnataka, Hindu,
TOI.., etc to checking what Topics are trending on the web pages, etc to verify the quality of the message you may receive. To Take Law into one’s own
hands based on foolishness is not only a social crime but a moral problem that shows how easy it is to destruct a well established society into behaving
in an uncivilized way. Verifying news might take time, but it’s better to be late, than the fool in Haste.
The police is always there to guide and help common sense prevail in society, the law is made by us, but does not belong to us to do with it as we may
please. May good sense prevail, whenever we badly want to make sense of something incredible.
Palindromes are words, phrases or even numbers
that can be read the same way, no matter the
direction, ( i.e. if you read it forwards or backwards the I Wish To Wish The Wish You Wish To Wish,
meaning remains the same.) But If You Wish The Wish The Witch Wishes,
Eg., Eye, Pop, Noon, Level, Radar. I Won't Wish The Wish You Wish To Wish.
Sentences that read the same
➢ Rise to vote sir.
➢ Never odd or even.
➢ Gateman sees name, garageman sees nametag. Why The Magazine? We at Dr.Talk guide you
in achieving a sense of success, by not only, Speaking
Can you add the missing words to make the sentence a Palindrome
Fluent English but in also acquiring the skills one will
No lemon…… need in their professional Lives and beyond. Whether
Doom…… it’s a Professional Project Presentation, a job
Step on…… interview or a social interaction, you will be confident
in approaching any such situations!!!
FIND OUT MORE ABOUT DR. TALK’S Once upon a time there was an English student who thought that he could find enough tough
dough to fill his borough. He sought for it everywhere. When he went to the store he bought as
ONLINE EMAIL AND CONTENT much as he could. While on vacation he brought back some from the neighboring cities. Things
were getting rough, and although he had a cold and a bad cough, he still managed to plough
WRITING SERVICE. through the winter as though he were well. He continued his search. He fought long and hard.
He wrought night and day in his endeavor for enough tough dough. Finally, after many months
he thought that his thorough search ought to come to an end. And one day it did, when by
A CHEAP EFFECTIVE WAY OF SOLVING YOUR COMMUNICATION chance he came upon a very old tree. Next to the tree was an old horse trough. And on the
boughs of the tree he saw enough tough dough to fill his borough. The end!
Write down the “OUGH” words according to the sounds…
“Awt” ‘uff’ ‘o’ ‘off’ ‘ow’ ‘u’
CALL US @ 9902528177 TO FIND OUT MORE.