Page 21 - TWR Annual Report 2021
P. 21


            Our Board of Directors

            As of 12/31/21

            Barb Collins, Co-Founder             Dr. Shaniece Criss                Melinda Silverstein
            Greenville, SC                       Greenville, SC                    Santa Cruz, CA

            Lynn O’Connell, Chair                Sarah Durry                       Betsy Teutsch
            Alexandria, VA                       Atlanta, GA                       Philadelphia, PA

            Jo DeBolt, Vice Chair                Renee Losh
            Pittsburgh, PA                       Scottsdale, AZ                    Retired in 2021

            Kathy Fitts, Treasurer               Tara O’Connor LaRose              Cynthia Radford
            Woodstock, GA                        Plainwell, MI                     Traveler’s Rest, SC

            Caren Senter, Secretary              Carrie Hessler-Radelet            Susan Stall
            Greenville, SC                       Falls Church, VA                  Greenville, SC

            Panel of Experts

            Dr. Angela Eikenberry                     Cheryl R. Holland             Carol Dillon Kissal
            David C. Scott Diamond Alumni             CFP and President             Senior Vice President of
            Professor of Public Affairs               and Founder of Abacus         Administration and Finance at
            School of Public Administration,          Planning Group                George Mason University
            University of Nebraska at Omaha                                         Former Together Women Rise
            Author of Giving Circles: Philanthropy,                                 board member
            Voluntary Association, Democracy

            Our Staff                                                            Education/

            As of 12/31/21                                                       Grants Team                   *

            Jenny Blakeney                          Harriet Ligon
            Executive Administrative                Accounting &                 Elizabeth Anderson
            Coordinator                             Data Associate               Jessica Fowler

            Wendy Frattolin                         Pam Menges                   Vinola Vincent Munyon
            Communications &                        Director of Finance          Megan Pomphrey
            Membership Director                                                  Chris Worthy
                                                    Amy West Moore
            Dr. Veena Khandke                       Technology Coordinator
            Director of Grants & Partnerships
                                                    Betsy Smulyan
            Gina League                             Interim President & CEO      *  Part-time contractors
            Director of Information Technology
                                                    Zaneta Taylor
                                                    Volunteer Manager
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