Page 16 - TWR Annual Report 2021
P. 16
when… we come together to
create change in the world.
We need everyone – women, men, transgender, and gender non-conforming – to act for change to happen.
Regardless of how an individual identifies in race, religion, sexual orientation, or ability, Together Women Rise is a
community for all who share our vision for an equitable world for everyone.
We have hundreds of chapters across the U.S. where individuals gather to build meaningful relationships with fellow
changemakers, learn about the issues facing women and girls, and give to further gender equality in low-income
countries around the world.
Each chapter has its own uniqueness, and we welcome and value diverse types of chapters, including
multigenerational, coed or couples, mother-daughter, workplace, seasonal or snowbird, college, and virtual chapters.
Mother/Daughter Chapters
In 2021, we welcomed two new “moms and teens” chapters: FL, Sarasota-5,
led by Linda von Wowern and Tina Justus, and WA, Pullman-2, led by
Jann Hill and Jennifer Harbour.
The Sarasota chapter is a group
of moms with their teenage
daughters who meet and “
plan fun fundraising events This is a great
to support the mission of chance for us
Together Women Rise.
At chapter meetings, to work with our
the teens present that daughters for a
month’s featured project, global cause. We are
discuss the issues, and bringing these global
learn together. The girls
also have a school club issues to the young
that meets weekly to make people.
and sell bracelets. The - Tina Justus, Sarasota
chapter plans a fundraising chapter co-leader
walk-a-thon in 2023.
FL, Sarasota Chapter