Page 286 - Wurth Total Catalogue
P. 286


                                                                                 What is the DOS System?
                                                                                 A revolutionary system for one handed
                                                                                 application of sealants.

                                                                                  Description       Art. No.  P. Qty.
                                                                                  DOS Sealants System  0893 964 1
                                                                                 The benefits of the DOS System.

                                                                                 •   Bottles stored in the practical storage holder
        Patented dosage cap - with 3 different dose settings.  DOS System Poster.  means the right product is easy to find and
        Won't dry out and no need to cut.                                          always within reach.
                                                                                 •   The storage holder may be set up anywhere,
                                                        DOS SYSTEM APPLICATION GUIDE
                                            Closed position,    Motor  Sealant  Thread  Locker  Thread  Locker  Bearing  Retainer  Sealant Flange   Flange  Sealant  Sealant Pipe  Hydraulic Sealant  such as a work bench, on the wall or a tool
                                            totally airtight
                                                        Product  Motor   Thread Locker Thread Locker  Bearing   Flange   Flange   Pipe   Hydraulic
                                                           Sealant  High Strength  Medium   Retainer  Sealant  Sealant  Sealant  Sealant  trolley.
                                                                Strength  High Strength  Green  Orange
                                                           Art. No.  Art. No.  Art. No.  Art. No.  Art. No.  Art. No.  Art. No.  Art. No.
                                                           0893 260 100  0893 270 050  0893 243 050  0893 603 050  0893 573 050  0893 574 050  0893 577 050  0893 545 050
                                                        Application:  Motor Sealant is a   For securing and   For securing and   For securing bearings,  For sealing precision   For sealing precision   Gas & fluid proof   For sealing pneumatic
                                                          transparent, red, viscous   sealing of screws,   sealing of screws,   gear wheels, bolts,   sealant for all pipe   and hydraulic
                                                                       machined flanges
                                                                     machined flanges
                                                          fluid sealant which bonds  bolts, nuts, threaded   bolts, nuts, threaded   screws, shafts and   and surfaces with   and surfaces with   threads and fittings up  connections under   Practicality:
                                                          to all metals. Suitable for   inserts and threaded   inserts and threaded   auxiliary joints.   Replacement for solid  Replacement for solid   to R3”.  high loads up to the
                                                                     gaps to max. 0.3mm.  gaps to max. 0.5mm.
                                                          all engine gasket surfaces  plugs. Restricts   plugs. Restricts   Prevents rattles due to  gaskets.  gaskets.  bursting pressure of
                                                          since no residue remains.   loosening by impact   loosening by impact   load change.  the hose.
                                                          All sealed surfaces are   or vibration.  or vibration.
                                                          sealed against thermal,
                                                          chemical and mechanical
                                                          stress. Sealed surfaces
                                                          can be easily separated.     The seven most important sealants for every work
                                                          Resistant to petrol, diesel,
                                                          oil, grease, water, steam,
                                                          frost and all normal
                                                          *Only suitable for use on
                                                          engine components.
                                                        Properties:  A product that adheres   Universal product   A commonly used   Universal product for   Particularly suitable   Particularly suitable   Excellent resistance   Excellent resistance   shop are included in the set.
                                                          to most surfaces. It is   for all threads and   product, providing   heavily stressed joints.  where a good   where a good   to chemicals, gas,   to chemicals, gas,
                                                          permanently pliable and   cylindrical parts which  excellent protection   High tear-resistance.  coverage is essential   coverage is essential   liquids, fuels and   liquids, fuels and
                                                          resistant to vibration. As   would not normally be  against oil, water and  Can be used in small   e.g. with complicated   e.g. with complicated   hydraulic fluids.  hydraulic fluids.
                                                          the product only has to   released again.  heat.   spaces between   castings, narrow links   castings, narrow links   Fast curing even at
                                                          applied thinly to one side   Can be released with  Will harden even at   joined surfaces.   and smooth surfaces.  and smooth surfaces.  low temperatures.
                                                          it is very economical. It   special tools and/or   very low temperature.  Excellent resistance to  An easily detached   An easily detached   Can be applied on
                                                          can also be used as a   heat.  low adhesion joint,   low adhesion joint,
                                                          replacement for solid   Can be released with  media.  which is particularly   which is particularly   slightly oily surfaces,
                                                          gaskets.  normal tools.  flexible.  flexible.  no need for time
                                                                            consuming degreasing
                                                                       Highly suitable for   of threads.
                                                                       larger and rougher
                                                                                 Ease of Use:
                                                                       machined surfaces.
                                                        Chemical Basis:  Epoxy resin   Dimethylacrylate   Dimethylacrylate   Dimethylacrylate   Dimethylacrylate   Dimethylacrylate   Dimethylacrylate   Dimethylacrylate
                                                        Colour:  5,000 – 13,200   400 - 600   5,000 - 7,000   100 - 150   40,000 - 60,000   35,000 - 100,000   20,000 - 80,000   1,500 - 2,000
                                                          Transparent Red
                                                                Fluorescent Blue
                                                                     Fluorescent Green
                                                                          Fluorescent Yellow
                                                                       Fluorescent Orange
                                                        Viscosity in mPas:  1 year   1 year   1 year   1 year   1 year   1 year   1 year   1 year  •   The revolutionary "dosage cap" allows
                                                        Stability in storage:
                                            Open position,   Full strength at 25ºC:  +80 o C=6hrs, +180 o C=5hrs  6 hours  >30Nm   3 hours  21Nm    6 - 24 hours   6 - 24 hours   6 - 24 hours   3 hours  15 - 20Nm    12 - 24 hours
                                                                     8 - 12Nm
                                                                       17 - 22Nm
                                                        Break loose resistance:
                                                        Operating pressure:  700 bar (10,290psi)   –  –   –  –   –  –   –  2 - 4 N/mm 2   –  8 - 10 N/mm 2   300 bar (4410psi)    200 bar (2940psi)
                                                        Tensile strength:
                                            three settings  Temp. resistance:  -50 o C to +280 o C   -55 o C to +150 o C   -55 o C to +150 o C   -55 o C to +150 o C   -55 o C to +150 o C   -55 o C to +150 o C   -55 o C to +150 o C   -55 o C to +150 o C
                                                                       up to 0.5mm
                                                                up to 0.25mm
                                                                     up to 0.3mm
                                                                  up to 0.15mm
                                                             up to 0.15mm
                                                          approx 2mm
                                                        Max. gap bridging:
                                                        Max. thread joint:  –   M20   M36   M12   –   –   R3” (M80)   R3/4”  accurate application of the product with no
                                                        Max. glue gap:  approx 2mm   –   –   –   0.3mm   0.5mm   –   –
                                                        Instructions for use:  Clean and dry the surfaces   Clean add dry threads, applying a small amount   Clean and dry all surfaces to be sealed with a suitable solvent (ie. Brake Cleaner - 0890 108 7).  Apply a small amount
                                                          to be sealed.
                                                                            of Hydraulic Sealant to
                                                                  Apply a thin layer of Sealant to one side only and assemble parts immediately.
                                                             of Thread Lock. Tighten to specifications.
                                                          Apply a thin layer of the   threads and tighten to
                                                          material on one side and   specifications.
                                                          leave for 5-20min to air, then
                                                          join two surfaces. Thermal   overflow.
                                                          hardening possible
                                                          from +60 o C. It is relatively
                                                          easy to separate the joined
                                                          parts if necessary.
                                                               RESISTANCE TABLE FOR DOS-SYSTEM
                                                        • Kerosene   • Alcohols   • Formic Acids   • Ethelacetate   • Acetone   • Petrol   • Alkaline Solutions  • Phosphoric acid (10%)    •  Each bottle can be operated easily with one
                                                        • Diesel   • Jet Fuel   • Aviation Spirit   • Frost protection  • Gear oil   • Heating oil   • Hydraulic oil   • Solvents (chlorinated)
                                                        • Engine oil   • Oils   • Xilene   • Steam   • Coolants   • Brake Fluid
                                                        Article No. 0893 964 001/ Job No. 391110 - AUS/Revised/Reprint: 2/11   Wurth Australia Pty. Ltd.  - T: 1300  65 77 65 - Contact us today
                                                       Art. No. 0893 964 001     •  Because the bottles are stored lid-down in the
                                                                                   holder, the product is always ready to use.
                                                                                 •  Ensures that each bottle is completely used up.
        Product Data
        Hydraulic    Thread Locker  Thread Locker  Bearing  Retainer  Flange Sealant   Flange Sealant    Pipe Sealant  Motor Sealant
        Sealant      High Strength  Medium     High Strength  Green        Orange
        Art. No.     Art. No.     Art. No.     Art. No.       Art. No.     Art. No.     Art. No.     Art. No.
        0893 545 050  0893 270 050  0893 243 050  0893 603 050  0893 573 050  0893 574 050  0893 577 050  0893 260 100
        For sealing pneumatic   For securing and sealing of screws, bolts, nuts,   For securing bearings, gear   For sealing precision   For sealing precision   Gas & fluid proof   Motor Sealant is a
        and hydraulic   threaded inserts and threaded plugs. Restricts   wheels, bolts, screws, shafts   machined flanges   machined flanges and   sealant for all pipe   transparent, red, viscous fluid
        connections under high   loosening by impact or vibration.  and auxiliary joints. Prevents   and surfaces with   surfaces with gaps to   threads and fittings up   sealant which bonds to all
        loads up to the bursting               rattles due to load change.  gaps to max. 0.3mm.   max. 0.5mm.   to R3”.  metals. Suitable for all engine
        pressure of the hose.                                 Replacement for solid   Replacement for solid   gasket surfaces since no
                                                              gaskets.                               residue remains. All sealed
                                                                                                     surfaces are sealed against
                                                                                                     thermal, chemical and
                                                                                                     mechanical stress. Sealed
                                                                                                     surfaces can be easily
                                                                                                     separated. Resistant to petrol,
      AUS. pub. 08/17 ©                                                                              steam, frost and all normal
                                                                                                     diesel, oil, grease, water,
                                                                                                     *Only suitable for use on
                                                                                                     engine components.
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