Page 12 - The 10 Most Innovative Startups in Pune 2019
P. 12

“           Hvision is to cover every
                                                                                          idoc Dr. is a digital
                                                                                          platform for doctors. Our

                                                                                  single doctor in India so that he
                                                         We always                is never left without a second

                                                                aim to            opinion. Whenever he wants a
                                                                                  second opinion, he can post his
                                                      provide best                question on the Hidoc Dr. App and

                                                              in class            get a second opinion irrespective of
                                                                                  his specialization under 15 minutes.
                                                        consistent                Also, we do not want the doctor

                                                         quality of               to be less qualified than any other
                                                                                  doctors available by providing him
                                                           products               a lot of learning content in the form

                                                     and services                 of short 15 minutes courses through
                                                                                  various learning series, exhaustive
                                                                                  cases, minor articles, videos, and
                                                                clients           various other ways.

                                                                                  Mission: To confidently provide
                                                                                  consistent quality of products
                                                                                  and services to our clients that
                                                                                  are compatible with the current
                                                                                  business environment. To make
                                                                                  a profit from every product and
                                                                to our “
                                                                                  service we provide our clients.

                                                                                  Vision: Our vision is to build,
                                                                                  operate and enhance a best in class
                                                                                  healthcare platform for doctors and

                                                                                  Values: We always aim to provide
                                                                                  best in class consistent quality
                                                                                  of products and services to our
                                                                                  clients. We always aim to be
                                                                                  compatible with the changing
                                                                                  business environment and client
                                                                                  requirements. We always aim to
                                                                                  be confident by taking calculated
                                                                                  risks in our daily operational

                                                                                  Meet the Duo and the Team

                                                                                  Hidoc Dr. has been founded by
                                                                                  two people; one is Dr. Rajesh
                                                                                  Gadia, the Managing Director
                                                                                  of the Company. He is the brain
                                                                                  set behind Hidoc. He is one of
                                                          Varun Gadia             the leading Internal Medicine
                                                          Co-founder & COO
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