Page 17 - The 10 Most Innovative Startups in Pune 2019
P. 17
“ Hidoc, since then we have grown
exponentially having 4.5 Lakh
doctors almost adding 2500 doctors
Companies like Hidoc thrive on
more and more innovation coming
So that is just the multiplication
in and correctly communicating every single day to our reach.
effect. We have done this through
the same to doctors, doctors extremely innovative strategies
thrive and patients thrive to the and high-quality products that have
innovation coming in allowed doctors to be much stickier
on the app, invite their friends and
other users and learn a lot from our
app itself.
Second most important thing that
we have done is we have always
focused on the quality of content,
constantly improving the quality of
content, adding senior doctors to
the Hidoc panel and growing the
company there and there forth.
Initial struggles – Capital has
always been a struggle. Many
times Hidoc didn’t even have the
money to pay its employees but
yet we have had some ways in
which innovative sales strategies
that have allowed us to always
be afloat throughout the lifecycle
of the company. We also had
competitors with deeper pockets,
for example, the second-best
competitor to Hidoc today spends
9 times more in operating expense
compared to Hidoc, but has 70% of
Hidoc’s revenues. So just tackling
competitions through using simple
mediums such as quality of content
and tapping on to the right doctors
in the right region has assisted
Hidoc to grow very well.
• Founded in: 2017
• Founding Members: Dr.
Rajesh Gadia, Varun Gadia
• Office Locations: Pune
• Company Strength: 26
• Total Funding: ---
• Website: