Page 22 - The 10 Most Innovative Startups in Pune 2019
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Cloudaeon Providing Artificial Intelligence-
Based Solutions to Help Retailers
and Logistics Customers in
Planning and Forecasting
loudaeon provides Cloudaeon has partnered with some environments. This meant businesses
artificial intelligence- of the leading Retail and logistic were struggling to find the systems
Cbased solutions to help businesses. needed to meet their demands for
retailers and logistics customers Meet the Problem Solver data-driven insights.
in planning and forecasting, help The challenges businesses were
protect margin, unlock sales, Shashikant Mundlik, the Founder beginning to face included
and cut wastage. With more than & Director of Cloudaeon has over understanding the complex data,
15 years of retail and logistics 15 yrs of experience of helping high costs, inflexible reports,
expertise, our company’s Software- customer leverage cutting edge management difficulty and the length
as-a-Service (SaaS) platform technologies to make their customer of time required. With an increasing
generates advanced analytical happy. number of businesses struggling to
insights and real-time decisions A Mission That Matters use their data effectively, we knew
that drive action throughout the there was a better way.
organisation, including operations, We work closely with everyone from How We Solved It
finance, marketing, and operations. suppliers to large retailers, with a From BigData to basic analytics, we
Cloudaeon provides fully managed common goal of solving problems can create the perfect solution for
Cloud and Big Data services and and identifying opportunities. you – within hours. We seamlessly
automated DevOps orchestration. We understand the problems bring together your organisation’s
Cloudaeon is focused on one thing organisations face when humanising
– solving businesses problems and data, so will lower costs and improve
finding opportunities by helping efficiency at every level. • Founded in: 2016
people see and understand data. The Problem We Identified • Founding Members:
Organisations everywhere across The ability to know your customers Shashikant Mundlik
all industries are facing challenges is a critical aspect for all businesses
to humanise their data. With and can determine its potential • Office Locations: Pune &
Cloudaeon, our clients are solving for success. To ensure a business Altrincham, Cheshire
their business problems and finding is relevant to its customers’ needs • Company Strength: 11-50
new opportunities which were never it is essential to utilise business employees
discovered before. Its performance- intelligence (BI) systems.
improvement solutions yield Previously businesses relied on • Industry: Information
measurable results with significant conventional BI practices; however, Technology & Services
return on investment among retail these were unable to provide insight • Website:
store and inventory functions. into rapidly changing business
22 September 2019