Page 21 - The 10 Most Innovative Startups in Pune 2019
P. 21
We provide software
services to satisfy
all characteristic of
the game including
application design,
creation, concept
art ranging and
prototyping to coding
and testing “
Nilesh Gawade
you design, develop and market d. VR / AR Solutions partner the agitation of managing
your game from start to finish. multiple teams and allows them to
We grant VR / AR Solutions
b. Web Development which will exceed the TV focus on core business objectives.
We house a set of veteran industry in the next 10 years. On Time Delivery
developers who create web We have perfected the habit of We understand the importance
applications that can be deemed foraying into the latest emerging of getting your gaming product
as competitive assets for online technologies also making a name to market at the earliest to stay
business processes. for ourselves hence. ahead of the competition. Our
c. Art & Design e. Digital Marketing team will be connected with you
every step of the way to make
We can assist you to develop
Aaryavarta Technologies creates sure that your product is released
art assets within the game. We an online marketing strategy well within defined time frames.
produce artwork for packages, that helps build simple to find, Collaborative Approach
promotional materials, plus engaging experiences that We know that the perfect game
websites. inspire action on social network
community. design products are built as a
Apps Development Comprehensive Solutions result of creative collaboration
Aaryavarta Technologies offers a and believe in adopting a
partnership approach with all
comprehensive range of enterprise We provide software services
application development services to satisfy all characteristic of clients. We work with you to
fully understand the potential also
which enables the business to the game including application
exploit the application’s ability design, creation, concept art concept of your project so that
to support and enhance the ranging and prototyping to coding our team members can fulfill your
customer’s experience. and testing. This all saves our
September 2019 21