Page 20 - The 10 Most Innovative Startups in Pune 2019
P. 20


      Technologies &                                        Development Company Specialized
                                                                     One of the Leading Software

                   Games                                              In Game Development, Apps

                                                                  Development, AR/VR Solutions

                   aryavarta Technologies  Nilesh Gawade is the co-founder        Aaryavarta Technologies’ Skills
                   is one of the leading     of Aaryavarta Technologies &         We have expert developers in the
                   software development      Games. He has around 8+ years
        Acompany specialized                 of experience in the gaming          latest technologies. For web and
                                                                                  app development, we use Swift-
        in game development, Apps            Industry. He has worked on           Xcode, Kotlin-Android Studio,
        development, AR/VR solutions         Unity3D, Unreal, Corona,             PhoneGap for cross-platform
        and much more. We are expertise      Cocos2Dx, android, IOS,              apps, Node JS, Angular JS. We
        in unity3d, unreal, cocos2dx         windows phone and web for            are using the following engines
        engine including hybrid app          development and designing of         for game development such as
        development. We provide game         games and application for mobiles    Unity, Unreal, Cocos2dx, libgdx,
        outsourcing services in USA,         and computer desktop.                Corona, etc.
        Germany, UK, UAE, India              He has worked on all type
        include the world.                   of games such as AAA titles          a. Game Development
                                             (2D & 3D), fighting games,
        Who We Are                                                                Aaryavarta Technologies offers
                                             shooting games, casual games,        comprehensive solutions to help
        The complexities of your trade,      puzzle games, gambling, RPG,
        your processes and in operation      Multiplayer games, sports games,
        philosophy and your priorities.      action games, card games,
        This way we give you the best        strategy games, Bollywood movie        • Founded in: 2015
        the services that give business      games. He has a good knowledge         • Founding Members: Nilesh
        worth and are tailored for your      of 3D modeling, Texturing, and         Gawade
        business wants. Apart from           animation creation process for
        our entire client commitment         unity tool.                            • Office Locations: Pune,
        what sets America apart is           He’s truly passionate about his        Maharashtra
        consumer Focus: we tend to build  work and always eager to connect          • Company Strength: 50-11
        arrange to perceive our clients’     with other marketers. While he         employees
        objectives and wishes, and that      enjoy all aspects of his job such      • Industry: Computer Games
        we collaborate to try out solutions  as programming, Management,            • Website: www.aaryavarta.
        that satisfy them or exceed them.    recruitment, game designing,           com
                                             monetisation, marketing etc.
        Intellectual Leader

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