Page 18 - The 10 Most Innovative Startups in Pune 2019
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Founding Office Lo- Company
Company Logo Company Name Management Website Brief
Year cation Strength
Aaryavarta Aaryavarta Technologies is one of the leading software
Technologies & Nilesh Gawade 2015 Maharashtra 11-50 development company specialized in game development, Apps
Games development, AR/VR solutions and much more.
Pune & Cloudaeon provides artificial intelligence-based solutions to
Cloudaeon Shashikant Mundlik 2016 Altrincham, 11-50 help retailers and logistics customers in planning and forecast-
Founder & Director
Cheshire ing, help protect margin, unlock sales, and cut wastage.
Swami Panjala Pune, Elite Softwares is Empowering Students and Entrepreneurs
Elite Softwares 2011 11-50
Founder & CEO Maharashtra Using Our Self Employment Workshop and Software Products
Hidoc Dr. is a digital platform for doctors. Our vision is to
Hidoc Dr. Varun Gadia 2017 Pune, 26 cover every single doctor in India so that he is never left with-
out a second opinion. Whenever he wants a second opinion, he
Co-founder & COO Maharashtra can post his question on the Hidoc Dr. App and get a second
opinion irrespective of his specialization under 15 minutes.
Piton Systems Sonal Bapat-Dalal 2008 Pune, - Piton Systems Pvt Ltd is an IT product innovation company
Co-founder Maharashtra building cutting edge but practical products for the Industry.
Ressy helps restaurant owners provide real time discounts and
Ressy Technology Koustubh Rajepandhare 2015 Pune, 11-50 offers to potential customers in their vicinity. Our customers
Co-founder & CEO Maharashtra use the app to discover restaurants and discount deals in specif-
ic areas.
Technote Software Solution Private Limited - IT / Technology
Technote Software Nitesh Gour 2015 Pune, 11-50 Services of start up consultancy services, mobile application
Solution Co-founder Maharashtra development services & digital marketing services in Pune,
Touchwood Tanmay Mehta Pune, www.touchwoodautoma- Touchwood Automations is a Home & Building automation
Automation Founder 2013 Maharashtra 11-50 company. We offer a complete automation in all the electrical
& electronic appliances used in homes and buildings.
Webfarmatics is a Software and Website development located
Webfarmatics Parish Mhatre 2013 Pune, 6-50 in Pune, focusin on core IT softwares and solutions which will
Technology Director Maharashtra transform traditional business practices to advance and techni-
cally string approach.
Xploreteq Amit Gorai 2018 Pune, 11-50 The company is continuously delivering solutions like
Ts+Technology, Cloud Security Platform, Robotic Process
Foundr & Director Maharashtra Automation, Cloud Computing, migration services and others.