Page 13 - The 10 Most Innovative Startups in Pune 2019
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doctors and Infectious Diseases primarily is digitally to multiple of Medical council of India and
doctors in India today. He has thousands and thousands of doctors the Indian Medical Association
more than 20 years of research in in fraction of a few minutes and or any association per se it is also
Dengue and Chikungunya and he spread brand awareness and brand higher than the reaches of any other
is the forefather when it comes recall about your product. competitors. Hidoc also reaches
to Dengue research as well as the about 1 Million Doctors on social
right procedure of how to treat The industry needs to realize media through its and its partner
dengue patients. He, himself has that, eventually once the industry pages; it is higher compared to any
treated more than 10,000 dengue realizes that, you will have a lot other social media page or entity or
and Chikungunya patients. He of more products reaching a lot of agency out there.
is on the foremost critical care doctors. For example, today it is
and diabetologist authority in the impossible for a Devices Company Secondly, Hidoc has a very high
Country today. building brilliant ophthalmology quality of content. We have more
equipment to market one than 300 cases posted on a wrap
Secondly, the Chief Operating every day with more than 30
Officer is Varun Gadia. He has advisory board members across
a lot of experience in IT as a leading specialization in the
project manager. After project “ country. Our cases are extremely
management, Varun has also We are much more high quality with renowned doctors
worked in an endowment fund cost-competitive backing those cases that are coming
William C Endowment Fund as in. Content engagement rates are
a Chief Investment Officer and realizing that the higher 11% which are the highest
then after that has also worked at digital has to be in the industry and have ever been
Novartis in the form of Cooperate cost affordable since the start of the company. So
valuation as well as cooperate it’s a lot of value for doctors when
planning. So, very exhaustive compared to they use Hidoc and learn for Hidoc
experience by the founders in the physical ways of every day.
medical industry as well as the IT doing business
industry. “ Treading an Extra Mile
The Team also consists of Shekhar Clients have a lot of value
Khandeparkar, Tech Lead with 6 proposition when they do business
years of work experience, Aditi ophthalmologist in Pune, who just with Hidoc. We provide Client’s
Godbole with 5 years of Sales have 5 representatives but has a digital brand awareness to reach
Experience, Ali Babude with 10+ very innovative product but if that doctors compared to their current
Years of Finance & Accounts company only knew about Hidoc physical way of reaching doctors.
experience along with 30+ and the digital services provided So, it’s a completely different mode
Advisory Board Doctors and 20+ by Hidoc, that company would be of reaching doctors. Among our
Tech & Sales team members in a better position to market the competitors, Hidoc becoming the
services to doctors in Pune city. highest reach provides much more
Opportunities and Challenges Hidoc makes that extremely easier value-oriented results compared to
to do this. any other digital brand out there.
The biggest challenges in the
industry today is the industry is Creating Own Landmarks We are much more cost-
still marketing products the way competitive realizing that the
it did in 1950 through a door Multiple ways Hidoc is different digital has to be cost affordable
to door medical representatives from its competition. Firstly compared to physical ways of
reaching out to doctors which are Hidoc reaches to 5 lakh doctors doing business and we provide the
highly inefficient and extremely that are higher than compared same to our clients. We are results-
expensive. The quickest way to to any other competitor in the oriented. We also provide a 100%
spread the word out of your product market. It is higher than the reach replacement guarantee for all the