Page 16 - The 10 Most Innovative Startups in Pune 2019
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services that we provide to our lot of senior consultants in the Also, a lot of innovative products
clients. Currently, we have more industry. They felt the way of are coming for doctors from Hidoc
than 50 clients on board including communicating the doctors in the such as right now it has integrated
two Fortune 50 companies and this industry today was not correct. with Wikimeds, to provide
only happens when you provide They did not have a resource for Wikipedia medical dictionary.
value-oriented services to your the second opinion. Doctors every It’s like the google for doctors
clients. single day, have a problem with they don’t need to go anywhere
learning because of so many places else, they can just use Hidoc and
Providing Value and Quality of exhaustive content available they can find all the solutions to
We are not in a highly but no one single place where their problems. So such kind of
commoditized market in which they can learn the high quality of innovative and brilliant ideas to
completion is right up till our neck. content. So, Hidoc decided to solve benefits doctors are coming in from
We are in a value-oriented market; all those problems by providing a Hidoc soon and will be out there to
as long as we provide value in consume for doctors very soon.
terms of much more reach of Lack of Innovation in the
doctors and quality of content we Industry
are in a very formidable position to “
manage competition both locally as Hidoc looks to cover One major important thing the
well as globally. at least 1 Million industry lacks surely is the quality
Focusing on Cost-Effective ways doctors in India by of innovation. We are seeing the
same kind of drug, the same kind
the end of next year of devices repeatedly across the
Hidoc Dr. has weighed multiple
ways in industry. But imagine that pretty much country. What we would surely
the cost of marketing a single could make sure appreciate is more innovation.
MR when he visits a doctor, it’s that Hidoc at least For example, the innovation that
about Rs. 200 for 30 seconds of covers 70% of Indian is available in the US is still not
a doctor’s time. Today by using Doctors available in India due to high-
Hidoc, you can get about 15 “ quality patent laws and regulations.
minutes of a doctor’s time at a We would want to see more of that.
fraction of that cost. That is the Companies like Hidoc thrive on
power of Hidoc and eventually, more and more innovation coming
in the next 3-5 years, all simple medium of communicating in and correctly communicating the
communication in the health care with doctors, a free of cost second same to doctors, doctors thrive and
industry will be digital and Hidoc opinion platform and a simple patients thrive to the innovation
is the leader to move, tackle and way in doctors can learn every day coming in. So, what we want is a
push that message forward. So, by engaging with the Hidoc Dr. lot of focus on patient care and a
Hidoc is making the industry much content. lot of innovation coming in, for
more cost focus and value-oriented. that innovation we require a lot
Now, because the doctors will Present and Future of research and for that research,
only engage with the content and Hidoc looks to cover at least 1 we require the right protection
the products they want to engage Million doctors in India by the into place so that, that research is
with, so it will remove those end of next year that pretty much always preserved.
companies from the industry that could make sure that Hidoc at least
are not providing value and it will covers 70% of Indian Doctors Rising and Shining
keep only those companies that are compared to any other industry of
providing value. entity that is available. Hidoc also Hidoc was started in December
2017. As of last year this point
Hidoc Dr’s Driving Force expects to have multiple different of time, September 2018, Hidoc
sales funnels to grow the business had 5200 doctors who were on
Hidoc has been pushed by a all across the country.