Page 23 - The 10 Most Innovative Startups in Pune 2019
P. 23
We work closely
with everyone from
suppliers to large
retailers, with a
common goal of
solving problems
and identifying
opportunities “
Shashikant Mundlik
Founder & Director
data, with a personalised analytics data journey by holding the hands engineering team and we are proud
platform that is simple to understand of Cloudaeon. Any small or medium to state that none of the employees
with clear BI reports. corporation or enterprise level have left us since inception. Our
We handle every aspect systems and customer who want to start their data demand forecasting product is
bring your team on a smooth journey journey and they need to create the using advance analytics AI and
of learning and understanding so data platform can avail Cloudaeon ML technologies to help accurately
that you can focus on driving your services. Everyone has to realise the forecast their sales and inventory
business forward. value of their data which is why we requirements.
The Future Ahead
start from consulting and advisory
We will use your business services and redefine the architecture Since its inception three years ago,
knowledge and our data expertise to and implementation of the client’s Cloudaeon has covered considerable
drive your business into the future. business. path to have volumes spoken about.
Our cloud-based fully automated It has a 25 member team across team
analytics system is based on three On the product side we have our based in Pune and London. In the
key principles: the provision of two products, Automated Analytics coming six months, the company
modern systems, always putting Platform and SaaS based Demand will launch a product which
the customer first and providing Forecasting product. In order to will create disruption in the data
affordable solutions. put all these in one chain, we are a engineering sector.
holistic data company.
The Services Rendered Our products and services can Cloudaeon wants to emerge as a
Cloudaeon works in the product be put into use by SMEs as well company which has made businesses
as well as in the services domain. as well established corporation. operations for MSMEs easier and
When it comes to service areas, We have clients who have a total have their data challenges solved.
it is mainly focused on Big Data, accumulation of 40 Gigabytes of Cloudaeon has customer base all
Engineering Services and managed data and on the other hand we also over Europe and has acquired some
cloud services. These are mostly handle clients who have dataclose to new clients in Singapore as well. It
dedicated to the SMEs and MSMEs 700 Terabytes. We have developed is planning to grow the team by 100
for them to initiate the start of their a mature and dedicated Big data percent in the coming six months.
September 2019 23