Page 25 - The 10 Most Innovative Startups in Pune 2019
P. 25
Another nonnegotiable trait for leaders of small teams is commitment.
If you come across as uncommitted to your own company, how can you expect others to
buy in to your vision?
This applies at the project level as well: even if it’s a one-in-a-million sales proposal, you
should be the most gung-ho person in the room. Anything less sends signals of uncertainty to
your team.
Look for daily opportunities to demonstrate your commitment. You don’t have to work the
most hours, but do set a positive example in other ways. Be the one to take those early-
morning or evening calls from other time zones. And, of course, use your own product or
Start building trust at the outset of your business. Once your teammates understand you’ve
got their back, they’ll work harder and take more creative risks than they otherwise would.
One of the best tactics for building trust? Delegation.
Not only does delegating enable you to accomplish more than you could alone, but it
indicates that you believe in your team members. You hired them, after all, so recognize that
you can’t do it all. Hand them the reins, and accept that their approach may be different
than yours. If they deliver something totally unexpected, take it as an opportunity to improve
your empathy.
Creativity might not sound like a leadership trait at first, but remember: entrepreneurship has
no roadmap.
Developing a product or service itself is an act of creativity — never mind figuring out how
best to market and sell it. If you can’t come up with creative solutions, you might as well find
a new line of work.
The keys to creativity are confidence and curiosity. Instead of treating something you’re
curious about as an indulgence; reward yourself for taking the time to explore. Build
confidence by developing your subject matter expertise. Even when challenges outside that
area come up, you’ll be able to face them with a growth mindset rather than a fixed one.
Entrepreneurs wear more hats than anyone, but none is more important than the leadership
cap. Found a company without bothering to develop your character or judgment, and
you’ll discover just how difficult that role can be.