Page 27 - The 10 Most Innovative Startups in Pune 2019
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Piton Systems:
An IT Product Innovation Company Building Cutting Edge but Practical Products for
the Industry
iton Systems Pvt Ltd is an IT
product innovation company
Our products like
Pbuilding cutting edge but “
practical products for the Industry. WiseBolts Catalyst
a. WiseBolts Catalst ERP® is a ERP® are being rapidly
breakthrough cloud ERP platform adopted by various types Sonal Dalal
giving unsurpassed flexibility and of industries as they are
b. We also create customised extremely flexible and
applications and solutions. Many of easy to learn and adopt “
our solutions are built for Fortune 100
companies in IIOT and virtualization
space learn even for the semi-skilled staff. It 2008-11
Founded in 2008, Piton is an IT can integrate Tally and other existing Piton Formed - Piton established in
product innovation company. Our systems India working out of a small office
products like WiseBolts Catalyst 2. Digital with just 2 employees. Started with
ERP® are being rapidly adopted by Our digital services includes Website creating beautiful websites for our
various types of industries as they are Development, graphics designing, clients. Within a year we had created
extremely flexible and easy to learn logo designing, e-Commerce, custom 30+ websites and also started working
and adopt. We also provide services application development on a wide on various CMS platforms
specializing in enterprise digital range of technologies, platforms and 2012-15
transformation and enabling Industrial tools.We also understand maintenance Delivered innovative projects
Internet-of-things. of existing application to not just
The Founder Duo maintain them but also optimise them. Won and delivered several innovative
projects in India and globally. Created
Sonal Bapat-Dalal & Nikhil Dalal are Industrial IOT online cytometric tests, multilingual
the founders of Piton Systems Pvt. Our Industrial IOT solutions help educational softwares, Paperless
igital projects in following geographies your machines to talk to the internet. office, Building automation product
Piton Systems’ Products and Services Sending the right data to internet development, ecommerce platforms
Our Innovative Products are helping can help in predicting and avoiding and event management platforms for
customers adopt the latest business failures and controlling your machines cstomer across Australia, Europe and
technology which is practical and cost from any global location. South Africa.
effective. Piton Systems’ History 2016-18
1. WiseBolts Catalyst ERP® Catalyst ERP and IIOT
Our advanced, cloud ERP product. It • Founded in: 2008 2015 - Developed the Catalyst
comes in industry specific flavours like • Founding Members: Nikhil Dalal ERP platform and deployement it
& Sonal Dalal
ERP for Engineering Services in Chemical companies in India,
Singapore and Germany
ERP for Manufacturing • Office Locations: Pune, Started working on IIOT and Digital
ERP for Pharma • Company Strength: 11-50 projects with fortune 100 companies in
ERP for Chemical employees the heavy electricals and Life sciences
ERP for Trading • Industry: : Information sectors.
ERP for Labs Technology Provided IT advisory services for
innovative startups in Singapore
Catalyst is flexible and very easy to • Website:
September 2019 27