Page 26 - The 10 Most Innovative Startups in Pune 2019
P. 26

Elite Softwares:

        Empowering Students and Entrepreneurs Using Our Self Employment Workshop and

        Software Products                                                         Versatility is our niche and customer

                                            “                                     specific and customized IT solutions
                                                                                  satisfaction is our goal. We provide
                                             We have observed a
                                                                                  to our clients. There is a winding gap
                                                                                  between academic knowledge and
                                             winding gap between
                                             academic knowledge and               industrial experience; hence we cater
                                             industrial experience, so a          to ‘Knowledge Transformation’-
         Swami Panjala                                                            -A domain where this gap can be
         Founder & CEO                       new section known as                 lessened. With our IT expertise,
                                             ‘Knowledge                           we combine our knowledge and
                                             Transformation’ has been             professional experience to apply
                                                                                  ourselves to our vision - hence our
                                             introduced                      “    products are innovative, user-friendly
                                                                                  and usually find a niche place in the
              ur existence is for providing   infrastructure, securities, logistics,   vast IT sector.
              specific and productive        education and of course knowledge    We provide Software Training to IT
       Osolutions to our clients. We tend  Transferring.                          professionals such that they are able
       to provide State-of-the-Art Solution   We have observed a winding gap      to combine their knowledge with our
       to our client. We go to the root of the   between academic knowledge and   Industrial Training. This in turn, serves
       problem and solve it, thereby negating   industrial experience, so a new section   our policy of ‘Greater Good’.Hence,
       all possibilities of its lingering.   known as ‘Knowledge Transformation’   efficient and competitive professionals
       Versatility is our niche and customer   has been introduced. Here we       are routinely produced by us-- Our
       satisfaction is our goal.             consult experienced professionals,   way of contributing to the society.
       Our Team                              who share tips and anecdotes with    “Just leave it to us and we will give
       We are a team of dynamic youngsters   emerging IT professionals. We are    you what you want”
       stepping into the market to make a    a flexible team, we work on open as   One Step towards the Society
       mark in this incredibly competitive IT   well as closed source code at a lower   a. Shiksha Parivartan Computer
       industry.                             cost. Efficiency is in our veins and   Educational Foundation – NGO
       We aim to provide our clients         we strive for excellence. We are a   The rural population forms a major
       customized utmost satisfaction.       software providing company which     portion of India. Hence, it is but
       To interface knowledge with           takes wholesome responsibility;      obvious that a necessary step has to be
       deliverance, this is what we strive to   that includes all basic information,   taken to towards educating them in the
       work for.                             whereabouts, branch offices, contacts,   IT field and make them aware of the
       Our Vision                            requirements, basically all rolled into   various softwares so that they are at
       To reach that position where one can   one.                                par with their counterparts.
       look up to us                           •  Founded in: 2011                b. Marathwada Career Club
       To create qualitative and positive      •  Founding Members: Swami         MARATHWADA CAREER CLUB is
       environment for growth                  Panjala                            the one and only portal which serves
       To empower other capable people who     •  Office Locations: Pune,         for students, doctors, engineers,
       deserve a chance in this industry.      Maharashtra                        entrepreneur, businessman, principal,
       Who We Are?                             •  Company Strength: 11-50         directors, teachers, architects,
                                                                                  professor, politician, advocates, CA’s,
       We are Budding Company whose sole       employees                          etc. It provides you
       purpose is ‘SERVICE’. Our talent pool   •  Industry: Computer Software     the gateway for your
       wants to show that age is just a number.                                   bright future.
       Our aim is to provide dynamic IT        • Website: www.elitesoftwares.
       solution to our clients, catering to retail,

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