Page 3 - Reef Tankers Agenda 1 June 2018_Neat
P. 3
Reef Tankers 1 June 2018
1.1 Open Meeting: Present, Apologies, by Invitation
Action: An attendance register is to be circulated and signed by all parties present.
Any apologies are to be noted.
1.2 Management Committee (Manco)
Constitution of Manco The Manco consists of 2 people.
Manco meetings The Manco shall meet from time to time but at least
once in a 12-month period.
Quorum Both Manco members shall form a quorum
Election of Chairperson The Chairperson shall be elected by the Manco (from
amongst their number)
1.3 Confirmation of Manco and Quorum
The schedule below reflects the current Manco Representatives and their respective
appointment/election dates:
Surname Init Capacity Effective Term of
Date Office Ends
Ferreira V Employer Representative & Chairperson 09/09/2016
Gounden S Member Representative 09/09/2016
Action: To confirm that the Management Committee is correctly constituted and that
a quorum is present.
1.4 Disclosure of conflicts of interest, potential conflicts of interest, material gifts and
Any Manco Representative needing to declare conflicts or gifts received will make a
declaration at the meeting and record such gifts in the attendance register. The
Manco keeps a register of gifts received. The register promotes transparency within
the Fund. The service providers will also be asked to declare any conflicts or potential
conflicts of interest.
Action: Manco Representatives and service providers are to declare conflicts of
interest, potential conflicts of interest and gifts received.
This is a standard agenda item and will be included for presentations going forward.
The following items are to be added to the agenda: