Page 7 - Reef Tankers Agenda 1 June 2018_Neat
P. 7

Reef Tankers                                                                             1 June 2018

                         Action: KPI Scorecards to be discussed (Annexure F).

                   13.2    Year Plan and Compliance Update

                           The Manco should schedule meetings, evaluations and monitoring requirements for
                           the year in terms of a year-plan.  The year-planner is an important governance tool i.e.
                           to assist the Manco with their duties.

                           Item                      Next due                 Comment
                           Manco Meeting                  11 October 2018
                           Evaluations & Reviews
                           Service Provider Evaluations
                           Risk benefits                    1 June 2019
                           Issue of benefit statements

                         Action:   To update the year-plan.

              14.   DISCLOSURE

                     14.1  IDENTIFICATION OF CLIENTS

                         The  Financial  Intelligence  Centre  Act  (FICA)  was  put  in  place  to  combat  money
                         laundering.  The Act imposes reporting and other duties on ‘accountable institutions’
                         (including long-terms insurers).  One of these duties is the duty to identify clients.  An
                         ‘accountable  institution’  may  not  establish  a  business  relationship  or  conclude  any
                         transactions with a client unless it has established the client’s identity e.g. a bank will
                         require  proof  of  identity  and  residence  before  they  open  a  bank  account.    Whilst  a
                         retirement  Fund  is  not  listed  as  an  ‘accountable  institution’,  it  is  considered  good
                         governance  to  adopt  internal  control  mechanisms  in  the  context  of  this  act.    It  is
                         therefore important to obtain copies of the identity documents and proof of residence
                         -     The Manco
                         -     The Directors of the Employer who will be liable should contributions not be paid
                               to the Fund (Responsible Person Form);
                         -     Company registration certificate;
                         -     HR/Payroll  personnel  i.e.  those  persons  who  will  sign  the  administrative
                               documents associated with the Fund i.e. claim forms and monthly returns.

                         For Noting:     These documents are on record.

              15.   GENERAL

              16.   NEXT MEETING

                   The next meeting is scheduled for the 11 October 2018 at 10am at the offices of Reef Tankers.

              17.   CLOSE MEETING
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