Page 6 - Reef Tankers Agenda 1 June 2018_Neat
P. 6

Reef Tankers                                                                             1 June 2018

                   Link2Link Umbrella Provident Fund    Ditsa                    12/8/38141:7
                   Link2Link Umbrella Provident Fund    Reef Fuel Oil Distributors    12/8/38141:8
                   Link2Link Umbrella Provident Fund    Ambit Agencies           12/8/38141:9
                   Link2Link Umbrella Provident Fund    Reef Tankers             12/8/38141:10

                   Rules Summary:
                                                               Reef Fuel Oil
                     Description               All Members
                     Normal Retirement Age:         65              65
                     Employer Contributions     10.0000%         14.0000%
                     Risk Benefits               1.6080%         1.6080%
                     Monthly Admin Fee           0.2876%         0.2876%

                     Monthly Consulting Fee      0.2379%         0.2379%
                     Support Services Fee        0.0202%         0.0202%
                     Total                      12.1537%         16.1537%

              10.   COMMUNICATION

                   Item                 Frequency        Next Due         Comment
                   Newsletters          After each                        The draft quarterly newsletter is included
                                        meeting                            as (Annexure D).
                   Benefit Statements   Annual           1 June 2018
                   Web Statements       Ongoing                           Upon Request
                   Members  Close  to  Ongoing

                  Action:  Manco to discuss communication requirements.

              11.   COMPLAINTS

                   The Manco should note all complaints from members/beneficiaries of the Fund (or otherwise)
                   including Pension Fund Adjudicator Complaints or otherwise.  This would effectively consist of
                   a summarised record of any complaints received by the Fund and the resolution thereof.  It
                   can offer insight into potential areas of concern.

                   Action:   To discuss action to be taken upon receipt of complaints.

              12.   EDUCATIONAL UPDATE

                   An update on the developments in the industry is included for Manco’s perusal (Annexure E).

              13.   GOVERNANCE

                   13.1   Service Provider Evaluations

                         The  Manco  will  assess  the  performance  of  the  service  providers  at  each  meeting  in
                         terms of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).   This will enable the Manco to establish
                         where  service  delivery  needs  improvement  and  to  take  corrective  measures  where
                         required.    The KPI Scorecard is attached to the Agenda.

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