Page 6 - Reeftankers - Annexure A Minutes
P. 6

REEF TANKERS (Pty) Ltd                                                                  21 JULY 2017

                       Mr Ferreira requested a detailed list of his underwriting requirements. Mr Tillett agreed to
                       request this from TSA and to forward it to Mr Ferreira.

         9.       LEGAL

                  The Manco noted that the special rules rules (and any amendments) needed to be registered by
                  the Registrar (FSB) and approved by SARS.   The Link2Link Umbrella Provident Fund had a set of
                  master rules and special rules were issued in respect of each participating employer.

                  The FSB registration numbers in respect of each employer were noted as follows:

                  Special Rules: The Link2Link Umbrella Provident Fund:
                  Link2Link Umbrella Provident Fund    Ditsa                   12/8/38141/7
                  Link2Link Umbrella Provident Fund   Reef Fuel Oil Distributors    12/8/38141/8
                  Link2Link Umbrella Provident Fund   Ambit Agencies           12/8/38141/9
                  Link2Link Umbrella Provident Fund    Reef Tankers            12/8/38141/10

                  Rules Summary:
                   Description                     All Members           Reef Fuel Oil
                   Retirement Age                       65                   65
                   Employer Contribution           10% plus costs       14% plus costs
                   Administration Fee                 0.285%               0.285%
                   Consulting Fee                     0.237%               0.237%
                   Group Life Cover                   0.913%               0.913%
                   Disability Income Cover            0.464%               0.464%
                   Dread Disease Cover                0.228%               0.228%
                   Funeral Cover                      0.035%               0.035%
                   Total                             12.162%               16.162%

         10. 3.   COMMUNICATION

                  Details of communication to members were noted as follows:                               Prism

                  Newsletters                         To be distributed after the meeting

                  Benefit Statements                  Annual (June 2018)
                  Web Statements                      Upon request
                  Members Close to Retirement         As required

                  Mr Tillett delivered the Reef Tankers benefit statements to Mr S Gounden and confirmed that the
                  benefit statements for Ditsa, Reef Fuel Oil Distributors and Ambit Agencies will be given to Mr S  Prism
                  Gounden on the 25  July 2017.

         11. 4.   COMPLAINTS

                  No complaints were received during the period under review.

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