Page 7 - Reeftankers - Annexure A Minutes
P. 7

REEF TANKERS (Pty) Ltd                                                                  21 JULY 2017

         12. 5.   EDUCATIONAL UPDATE

                  Mr Tillett provided the Manco with information on industry-related matters.  He highlighted that
                  non- or late- payment of contributions by an employer could constitute a criminal offence.  The
                  employer had to identify the individuals who would be ‘Responsible’ should contributions not be
                  paid, failing which, the directors of the employer would be personally liable for the non-payment  Prism
                  of contributions.   Mr Tillett stated that he would forward a blank ‘Responsible Person’ form to
                  Mr Gounden to confirm the appointment.

         13. 6.   GOVERNANCE

                  13.1   Year Plan and Compliance Update

                         The  Manco  discussed  the  schedule  of  meetings,  evaluations  and  monitoring
                         requirements for the year in terms of a year-plan i.e.:

                          Item                                    Next Due
                          Manco Meeting                           20 February 2018
                          Service Provider Evaluations            After every meeting
                          Risk Renewal                            June 2018
                          Issue of benefit statements             June 2018

                  13.2   KPI Scorecard

                         Mr Tillett asked the Manco to complete the KPI scorecard as provided in the agenda.  Mr
                         Tillett added that this would enable the Manco to establish where service delivery   Manco
                         needed improvement and to take corrective measures where required.

         14.      DISCLOSURE

                  Mr Tillett stated that it was good governance to obtain copies of the Manco member’s identity
                  documents  and  proof  of  residence.    The  Manco  undertook  to  provide  Mr  Tillett  with  the
                  documents requested.                                                                     Manco

         15.      GENERAL

                  15.1  Section 14 Transfers Sanlam Umbrella Provident Fund

                       It was confirmed that the Section 14 transfers from the Sanlam Umbrella Provident Fund
                       to  the  Link2Link  Umbrella  Provident  Fund  had  been  finalized.    Mr  Tillett  provided  the

                       Manco with statements confirming the transfer value received in the Link2Link Umbrella
                                                                                                          S Gounden
                       Provident Fund on behalf of each member.  Mr Gounden undertook to distribute these
                       statements to members.

                       The Manco requested Mr Tillett to obtain details regarding a member (Motsoneng) who
                                                                                                          G Tillett
                       still had a benefit in the Sanlam Umbrella Provident Fund which had not transferred to the
                       Link2Link Umbrella Provident Fund.

         16.      NEXT MEETING

                  It  was  confirmed  that  the  next  meeting  would  be  held  on  20  February  2018  at  10h00  at  the
                  offices of Reef Tankers.

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