Page 11 - Business in Focus Annual Report 2017 v2
P. 11

 10  ANNUAL REPORT 2016-2017AL REPORT 2016-2017  BUSINESS IN FOCUS                                           11


          Established in 1972, Dacey Ltd remains a        Business Wales and Welsh Government
          family-owned business, which manufactures a     worked with Dacey to support the concept
          full range of bespoke orthotic products at their   and find ways to streamline the whole
          facilities in Cardiff and Merthyr. Their product   manufacturing process. As a result, Welsh
          range includes bespoke surgical, modular        Government provided financial support from
          and stock footwear, functional foot orthoses,   their Innovation Fund for the automation
          plastic and metal orthoses and all types        of the leather-cutting process.
          of fabric supports. All these are currently     Additionally, a Business Wales Relationship
          supplied to NHS Hospitals across the UK,        Manager, Brian Roberts, assisted Bob with
          Ireland and Denmark.                            formulating their business and financial plans
          Each shoe is individually tailored to the       as part of a Growth and Prosperity grant
          needs and measurements of the patient           application. The business secured £50,000
          which involves transforming a patient’s foot    towards the cost of the scanners, software,
          measurements into a 3D ‘last’, around which     3D printers and last-milling machine.
          a bespoke shoe can be built. The complete       Brian referred Bob to a Business Wales
          process integrates: last making, the cutting    Tendering Adviser to help with the further
          and stitching of leather uppers, fixing of sole   expansion plans, including tendering for
          units and fitting of orthotic inserts if needed.   various NHS Trusts. A Resource Efficiency
          Once completed, the shoes are issued to         Adviser has also been working with the
          the hospital clinics for patient fitting and if   business, providing assistance with accessing
          necessary reworked to achieve optimum fit.
                                                          Carbon Trust funding for the proposed
          The business remains the only Welsh             new premises.
          manufacturer of its kind in the orthotic        As a result of the financial and business
          industry and currently employ over              advice, Dacey have been able to observe
          100 people.
                                                          some immediate benefits, including more
          As the business was using very traditional,     accurate measurements, meaning less
          time-consuming and labour-intensive             rework and fewer visits by patients, quicker
          manufacturing methods, making the lasts         product lead times, removal of the production
          by hand to a specification or cast, Bob sought   constraints enabling increased productivity
          the assistance of the Welsh Government’s        and better export potential.
          business Wales Service as he was looking to     They have already created 10 jobs with
          incorporate new CAD CAM shoe last making        a further 3 technicians to be recruited
          systems and 3D printing techniques into          by the end of the year.
          the manufacturing process. Due to capacity
          constraints, Bob also identified new premises
          for the factory, which would further increase
 BUSINESS WALES   production and maximise efficiencies.


 Business Wales is the Welsh Government’s Entrepreneurship Service. It is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
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