Page 9 - Business in Focus Annual Report 2017 v2
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 8 8  ANNUAL REPORT 2016-2017AL REPORT 2016-2017  BUSINESS IN FOCUS                                           9


          Columbus Campervans was established by          marketing plan and to consider possible
          James Page in 2016 and offers tourists and      partnerships and negotiation techniques
          families a unique experience, exploring West    when talking to suppliers.
          Wales and the nearby tourist attractions        Hywel assessed the viability of James’s
          using a novelty campervan.                      financial plan and advised on business

          Based near Swansea, Columbus currently          insurance and legal requirements for a
          offers two classic Volkswagen campervans,       limited company. He also supported
          available for weddings, holidays, short         James in his search of suitable premises for
          breaks and special occasions. James is          the business.
          already planning to introduce additional        Following the advice, James set up
          services to enhance Columbus Campervans’        Columbus Campervans as a limited company
          offering including food hampers with locally    and has since launched his own website. He
          sourced produce.
                                                          has also been referred to further specialist
          James is a design engineer by trade and         Business Wales support, including social
          decided to give up his job in 2015 to           media and marketing workshops and
          concentrate on the development of his           Superfast Business Wales.
          own business. He explained, “Before I got       As James had never been in business before
          the business up and running, I took part        and found that it could be a lonely and
          in a Taking the Plunge workshop through         challenging experience at times, he was
          Business Wales to see if it was the right       successfully matched with a mentor through
          choice for me.
                                                          the Business Wales Mentoring Programme.
          “I had great support from the advisers at       Max McDermott is currently supporting
          Business Wales, guiding me step by step         James with social media marketing, general
          with what I needed to have in place and         business mentoring, and guidance on how
          what I needed to do, including simple tasks     to utilise his newly built website to its
          such as registering the company to setting      full potential and turn leads into paying
          up a website.”                                  customers.
          James’ Business Wales adviser, Hywel  
          Bassett, conducted a business diagnostic
          and reviewed his business plan and financial
          forecasts. He advised on sourcing additional
          funding and on suitable business banking
          options. Hywel encouraged James to
          put together a comprehensive, strategic



 Business Wales is the Welsh Government’s Entrepreneurship Service. It is part funded by the European Regional Development Fund.
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