Page 12 - Business in Focus Annual Report 2017 v2
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                                            ANNUAL REPORT 2016-2017AL REPORT 2016-2017
          12                                ANNU                                                                                                                       BUSINESS IN FOCUSUSINESS IN FOCUSUSINESS IN FOCUS            131313

                                            BIG IDEAS


                                            2016 saw the commencement of a new contract for Business in                          their business plans into reality.
                                            Focus – Big Ideas Wales – the Welsh Government’s programme                           Entries to the Bootcamp started
                                            to support the next generation of young entrepreneurs in Wales.                      slowly, with the majority being
                                                                                                                                 received within the final month,
                                            Business in Focus delivers         establishments providing                          followed by auditions, which
                                            the Equip element of the           access to their student cohorts,                  were inspirational. In summary,
                                            programme, with a focus on         supported by an active                            this first Bootcamp of the
                                            one-to-one support, numbers        marketing programme. As a                         contract was well received by
                                            of young people supported          result, 384 young people were                     48 attendees, and very much
                                            through events and numbers         supported through events,                         set the bar for future events.
                                            of young people starting           128% of the target.                               Our two experienced business
                                            a business.                        A very successful Bootcamp                        advisors supported 230 young

                                            Considerable time was taken        to Business weekend event                         people with one-to-one advice
                                            to develop a suitable events       was held at Margam Discovery                      with 27 businesses started –
                                            programme, and valuable            Centre in November 2016. An                       35% over target.
                                            experience gained in respect       enviable programme delivered                      The programme has linked
                                            of how to attract the interest     by Welsh entrepreneurs and                        well with the Business Wales
                                            of the target audience. We         role-models was created,                          ‘mainstream’ support, with
                                            achieved our results through       providing an excellent                            90 young people progressing
                                            working with partners in           opportunity for young people to                   to receiving further support
                                            further and higher education       network and learn how to turn                     against a target of 60.

                       27                                   48                                384                                              230

           Businesses                       Bootcamp                           Individuals supported                             Young people provided
           started                          attendees                          at events                                         with one-to-one advice

                                                                                                                                                                April 2016-March 2017
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