Page 35 - BT1_FlipBook_V1_060721_Final
P. 35

a Beer style we present in our series...

              Grodziskie                                                                                        episode 2

              Color: Straw to gold

              Clarity: Chill haze is acceptable at low temperatures

              Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Oak-smoked wheat
              malt  comprises  the  en re  grain  bill.  Asser ve   on the trail of grodziskie-beer
              smoked wheat malt aromas and flavors are medium
              to  medium-high  with  aroma  dominated  by  oak

              Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Aroma and flavor of
              noble hops ranges from not present to low

              Perceived Bi erness: Medium-low to medium

              Fermenta on Characteris cs: Fruity esters are low.
              Diacetyl and DMS should not be present. An overall
              crisp  flavor  is  achieved  by managing  fermenta on
              temperatures. Sourness should not be present.

              Body: Low to medium-low

              Addi onal notes: Grodziskie (some mes referred to
              as Graetzer in German) is an ale style of Polish origin.
              Historic versions were o en bo le condi oned and
              highly carbonated.
                                                                selected Breweries, pubs and stores...
              Alcohol by Weight (Volume) 2.1%-2.9% (2.7%-3.7%)
              Hop Bi erness (IBU) 15-25                                    Browar Grodzisk
              Color SRM (EBC) 3-6 (6-12 EBC)
              See Copyright-note on page 57                     ul. Poznańska 16b, 62-065 Grodzisk Wielkopolski

                                                                           Hotel Rodan Groklin
                                                                Sportowa 2, 62-065 Grodzisk Wielkopolski

                                                                           Przedsiębiorstwo Wielobranżowe "BASIA”
                                                                Żydowska 2, 62-065 Grodzisk Wielkopolski
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