Page 33 - BT1_FlipBook_V1_060721_Final
P. 33

a Beer style we present in our series...

              Leipzig-Style Gose                                                                                episode 3

              Color: Straw to light amber

              Clarity: Clear to hazy. Haze may or may not be from

              Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Malt sweetness and
              a ributes are not present to very low

              Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Not present

              Perceived Bi erness: Not present to low

              Fermenta on Characteris cs: Medium to high lac c
              acid character should be present and expressed as a
              sharp,  refreshing  sourness.  These  beers  are  not
              excessively aged.

              Body: Low to medium-low

              Addi onal  notes:  These  beers  typically  contain
              malted  barley  and  unmalted  wheat,  with  some
              versions  also  containing  oats.  Salt  (table  salt)  and
              coriander may be present in low amounts or may be
              absent.  Carbona on  is  high  to  very  high.
              When  using  these  guidelines  as  the  basis  for
              evalua ng entries at compe  ons, brewers may be
              asked  to  provide  supplemental  informa on  about  the roots of the gose
              entries  in  this  category  to  allow  for  accurate
              evalua on of diverse entries. Such informa on might
              include  whether  coriander,  salt  and/or
              Bre anomyces  is  used  and/or  other  informa on
              about the brewing process.

              Alcohol by Weight (Volume) 3.5%-4.3% (4.4%-5.4%)
              Hop Bi erness (IBU) 5-15
              Color SRM (EBC) 2-7 (4-14 EBC)
              See Copyright-note on page 57
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