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                                   Between  1793,  when  Grodzisk  became  part  of
                                                                Prussia, and 1918, when it became part of a newly
                                                                independent Poland, the town was renamed Grätz,
                                                                and the style became known as Grätzer. In the 19th
               THINGS TO DO WHEN YOU LIKE beer...               century, Prussians built modern breweries, and in the

                         e.g. Polish Beer Tas ng Tour           1890s,  the  five  breweries  in  Grätz  produced  over
              Brama Zuraw, ul. Szeroka 67/68, 22-100 Gdańsk     100,000  hectoliters  (85,000  U.S.  bbl)  of  that  local
                 style:  A  highly  carbonated,  very  pale  and  bright
                                                                wheat beer with a good malty body, an aroma of
                                                                smoke and a very low level of alcohol. In its heyday,
                                                                the beer was both served as an everyday beverage
                                                                that the whole family (including children) could drink
               poland and beer                                  as  a  refreshment  and  a  champagne-like  super-
              The brewing history of Poland is as diverse as the   premium  beer  on  export  markets.  Its  peak  of
              history  of  this  proud  na on  of  38  million  people:   popularity  occurred  just  before  the  Second  World
              Some of the beers were world-famous for a couple of   War when it exported to 37 countries. Produc on
              decades – they then went out of fashion only to be   con nued even under communist rule, but the last
              proudly  reborn  a er  a  few  decades.  This  holds   local  brewery  ceased  to  brew  in  1993.  At  the
              especially true for Grätzer Bier, a style that originated   beginning  of  the  21st  century,  local  homebrewers
              in the early 17th century when a Benedic ne monk   revived  the  style.  Regional  and  interna onal  cra
              named  Bernard  of  Wąbrzeźno  came  to  the  small   brewers  happily  adopted  it.  By  2013  the  Brewers
              town of Grodzisk Wielkopolski and built a well on the   Associa on included “Grodziskie” (the Polish name
              town  square  to  supply  the  breweries  with  water.   of the beer) in their style defini on.
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