Page 29 - BT1_FlipBook_V1_060721_Final
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a Beer style we present in our series...
                                                                                                                episode 4
              Bal c-Style Porter

              Color: Black

              Clarity:  Opaque.  When  clarity  is  perceivable,  chill
              haze should not be present.

              Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Malt sweetness is
              medium-low  to  medium-high.  Dis nc ve  malt
              aromas  and  flavors  of  caramelized  sugars,  dark
              sugars and licorice are present. Roast malt a ributes
              may be present at low levels, but any bi erness or
              astringency should be in harmony with other flavor

              Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Very low. Floral hop
              aroma can complement aroma cs.

              Perceived Bi erness: Low to medium-low

              Fermenta on  Characteris cs:  Due  to  its  alcoholic
              strength,  there  may  be  very  low  to  low  levels  of   selected Breweries, pubs and stores...
              complex alcohol aromas and flavors and/or higher
              levels of frui ness sugges ve of berries, grapes and              Lawendowa 8
              plums,  but  not  banana.  Fruity  esters,  DMS  and   Lawendowa 8, 80-840 Gdańsk
              diacetyl should not be present.         

              Body: Medium to full                                         Labeerynt
                                                                ul. Szeroka 97, 80-835 Gdańsk
              Addi onal notes: Bal c Porter is brewed with lager
              yeast and fermented and lagered cold producing a
              smooth beer. A low level of oxida on, if harmonious              Pulapka
              with other flavor components, is acceptable.       Straganiarska 2, 80-837 Gdańsk
              Alcohol by Weight (Volume) 6.0%-7.4% (7.6%-9.3%)
              Hop Bi erness (IBU) 35-40                                    Sklepzpiwem
              Color SRM (EBC) 20+ (40+ EBC)                     Zbigniewa Burzyńskiego 9, 80-462 Gdańsk
              See Copyright-note on page 57

                                                                           Moze Piwa? Beer Shop
                                                                Słowiańska 26, 80-381 Gdańsk

                                                                           Kippis Na Zdrowie!
                                                                Generała Leopolda Okulickiego 2e/12, 80-041 Gdańsk
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