Page 31 - BT1_FlipBook_V1_060721_Final
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a Beer style we present in our series...

              Herb and Spice Beer (Gruut)                                                                       episode 3

              Color: Varies depending on underlying style

              Clarity: Clear to hazy is acceptable

              Perceived Malt Aroma & Flavor: Varies depending
              on inten on of brewer

              Perceived Hop Aroma & Flavor: Not essen al but
              may  be  present  and  may  be  more  asser ve  than
              herb-spice character

              Perceived  Bi erness:  Very  low  to  medium-low.
              Reduced  hop  bi erness  tends  to  accentuate
              herb/spice character.
                                                                selected Breweries, pubs and stores...
              Fermenta on Characteris cs: Aromas and flavors of
              individual spices may not always be iden fiable               Stadsbrouwerij Gruut
                                                                Rembert Dodoensdreef 1, 9000 Ghent
              Body: Varies with underlying style      

              Addi onal notes: Herb and Spice beers are any beers              De Dulle Griet
              using  herbs  or  spices  derived  from  roots,  seeds,   Vrijdagmarkt 50, 9000 Ghent
              fruits,  vegetables,  flowers,  etc.  Herb  and/or  spice
              character  can  range  from  subtle  to  intense.
              Classifying these beers can be complex. Beers which              Trollekelder
              exhibit herbal and/or spicy character are considered   Walter De Buckplein 4, 9000 Ghent
              Herb  and  Spice  Beers.  Beers  brewed  with  chili
              peppers are categorized as Chili Pepper Beers. Beers
              brewed  with  pumpkin  in  which  herb  and  spice              Trappistenhuis
              character  dominates  should  be  categorized  as   Brabantdam 164, 9000 Ghent
              Pumpkin Spice Beers.                    
              When  using  these  guidelines  as  the  basis  for
              evalua ng entries at compe  ons, brewers may be              Dok Brewing Company
              asked  to  provide  supplemental  informa on  about   HAL 16, Dok-Noord 7, 9000 Ghent
              entries  in  this  category  to  allow  for  accurate
              evalua on of diverse entries. Such informa on might
              include  the  underlying  beer  style  upon  which  the              Dranken Geers
              entry is based, or other informa on unique to the   Ledergemstraat 7, Oostakker, Ghent 9041
              entry such as type or form of herb(s) or spice(s) used
              or other factors which influence perceived sensory
              outcomes.                                                    De Hopduvel
                                                                Dok-Noord 7, 9000 Ghent
              Alcohol by Weight (Volume) 2.0%-9.5% (2.5%-12.0%)
              Hop Bi erness (IBU) 5-40
              Color SRM (EBC) 5-50 (10-100 EBC)
              See Copyright-note on page 57
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