Page 1 - Troy Times June 2019
P. 1
June 2019
Commodore’s Corner thanks for the time he is spending inside, please book your tickets as
s predicted, May was a full on on this paperwork. This has, by soon as possible, so that we know
A month for the Club. Those of the very nature of what is how many members and guests to
you who were able to get down for involved with time and effort, cater for.
either the Open Meeting Weekend meant that some other things are You will also read that Liam has
or our Open Day, PTBO, will know taking a back seat. We do have to decided that the time has come to
what I mean. Those who stayed deal with the important and legal hand over the bar keys to someone
away can read about what they matters as a matter of priority. else. Some details are included
missed further on in this edition of We had hoped that by now, we elsewhere about what is required
the Troy Times, upgraded from the would have commenced the to make it a success. Please speak
Bulletin which was due this month. replacement of the front and side to either Liam, myself or anyone on
You will be able to read reports on elevations to the Clubhouse, the Committee if you would like to
these events, but I would like to taking advantage of the better know more. At this stage, I would
thank our class captains, Caroline weather during the summer like to thank Liam for what he has
Webb, Ian Turffrey and Paul months. Unfortunately, this has done over the years and the time
Johnson for encouraging support also fallen behind schedule as we and effort which he has put into
for the three open meetings; must now undertake a bat survey keeping members well lubricated.
Caroline Smethers for before we can commence the
masterminding the PTBO Event and work along with other approvals.
of course Sue Smethers and This is likely to take a minimum of
Madelyn Turffrey who spearheaded one month on the bat survey but
the catering for all these events. could be longer if we have to have
Each event was a success and further surveys carried out if there Commodore
would not have been possible had it are signs of bats on the initial
not been for the main players and survey. The cost of this initial
of course, many other club phase is being funded from club Wednesday
members who supported them in reserves. Evening race
one way or another.
You will notice that Jayne Hodges
The Committee are conscious that has kindly agreed to look after the starts every week
the Club is looking like a building cleaning of the Clubhouse, rather
site from the end of the boat shed than continuing with the at 19:15
as far as the reinstated slipway at contractors we have had. Please
the end of the compound. Work has do follow the requests made
come to a halt since the start of the elsewhere and make sure the Club
year, as we are having to get building in its entirety is kept tidy.
several ecological and other surveys It is NOT Jayne’s role to tidy
undertaken in order to satisfy the everything up after people leave it
Environment Agency and possibly dishevelled.
Natural England. There is a
considerable amount of time and The Club Regatta is being Followed by a BBQ
money being spent on this reinstated after many years
undertaking, much of the work absence, this is being combined Bring your own food to cook.
being done by Paul Johnson, to with the Summer Lunch on The Bar will be open all
whom we owe a great deal of Saturday 22 June. Further details
Some of the images have hyperlinks to external sites or documents
Troy Times - 1 - June 2019