Page 4 - Troy Times June 2019
P. 4
grounds. Jonathan Baggott,
Caroline Webb and other trusty
skippers were soon flying potential
T O several weeks earlier under sailors around the lake.
rganising this event starts
he Club held it’s RYA Push
The Boat Out Day on
People were outside enjoying the
Sunday 19th May.
Smethers. Being Captain of the sun and sailing whilst the 'Galley
Having prayed all week for the Girls' were pumping out teas,
weather forecast to change, we show takes bravery, leadership coffees with a big slice of
skills linked to we can do it! Well
were very lucky with the conditions homemade cake. I can tell you they
on the day. We had no rain, some all credit to Caroline. She put her looked fantastic. Well done to the
heart and soul into organising this
sun and a gentle breeze to get the chefs!
years open day. Or as the
visitors on to the lake and able to Meanwhile, the sun encouraged a
try sailing. In addition, we also had modern's call it Push the Boat Out.
Whatever you want to call it, steady flow to the bar where Liam
a training stand available to talk to
there was no doubt it was highly 'the pint puller' managed to sell
all about what training the Club can nearly three barrels of Rebellion
offer, the RLSS teaching a number successful. beer. When extremely busy Paul
of children about CPR, a good Weeks prior you had Peter Tobin Hills jumped in to help with the
number of Kayaks on the water and hanging up the road signs and 'pulling'. It was observed that Liam
the Club’s new paddle board to try Paul Hills cutting grass until the was showing Paul how to chat up
out. lawn mower broke down! This did the Galley Girls. Needless to say,
not 'phase' our trusty engineer.
Overall, we had some 75+ visitors Within a few hours one saw Paul without any success. Paul was
with a few individuals and families heard saying “let's stick to the pints
back on his 'pony' riding into the
signed up for membership on the it’s a lot easier!!”
sun set kicking grass into the air.
day. Feedback from all was that Liam
they loved the Club and the The Saturday before opening a full
atmosphere but wanted a little team of helper were cleaning the
time to think about joining and Club house, shopping for food etc.
perhaps another visit. This important activity was
captained by Sue Smethers, the
It is too hard to thank everyone loyal and trusty wife of our
individually for contributing to the
Commodore, Martin Smethers.
event as there were so many and
Meanwhile a large team were
I would miss someone out, so, outside, lead by Ian 'the Turf'
I would like to thank everyone who
Turffrey. What a job they did. The
helped out on the day, those who
place looked immaculate.
helped by prepping the Club on the e had a wonderful day on
Saturday, cake bakers, sign The big day opened with bacon W Sunday for our PTBO Open day
producers, jetty cleaners, trainers, butties for all the staff on duty, with 75+ visitors coming along. We
chefs, sailors, rescue crew, first again prepared by Sue Smethers. were very lucky to have good weather,
aiders, boat riggers and A ten minute briefing was called especially since last year was a hard
de-riggers and all other work that and safety was explained by John act to follow.
was done in advance away from Ashton whilst radio instructions We’ve had a lot of interest in joining
the Club, but would, in particular, like
the Club. Overall it was a very good were provided by John 'the to welcome some new members -
day, and it was lovely to see so compere' Thomson. John was the Adam Pamment, Siobhan Donohue,
many members pull together to man with the microphone. It was Gera and Marco, Dimitris along with
make this happen. It was also lovely noted that he was observed at the Max Troisi. All of you, please make full
to see so many boats out on the end of the day rushing to the bar use of our facilities and get on the
water. to wet his whistle!! water for the Summer. I hope that if
you would like training, you get in
Reminds you of how great this The doors opened at 1100. All was touch with Martyn or Jane Hawkins so
sailing club can be when everyone quiet for the first hour. Peter and you are on their list as soon as
comes together. Tomaz had fired up the BBQ. possible.
Worried looks appeared. No I very much look forward to seeing you
Thank you all again. at the Club over the next few weeks.
customers. Then like thunder the
Caroline 'customers' poured into our
Troy Times - 4 - June 2019