Page 7 - Troy Times June 2019
P. 7
Open Meeting by Paul and Toby in Windbarron to back morning race. Though
with good speed, rounding the spirits were dampened a bit, he
Reports windward mark. Alastair was not phased by his first crewing
maintained his position to the experience at an Open meeting.
boats in all took part
Race 3 on Sunday afternoon the
7 in our two day event
main trophy race started with very
over the weekend of
light winds. This time Alastair built
11th / 12th May
a commanding lead to win the
Race 1 on Saturday afternoon was very handsome Rickmansworth
quite difficult due to a shifting Trophy. James Vaughan coming
increasing breeze. As we 2nd to win the Transom Trophy.
approached the start Paul Hills and
Toby McFarlane capsized twice in
Windbarron 1224, Toby needs to
put some weight on!
Alastair Wilson and John Watling
pulled clear in Siete 830, James and In the first race in a light northerly,
Sam Vaughan capsized Sea Storm Richard and Caroline Webb and
1252 three times and Ian Turffrey Matt Thornton and Laura Bevan
and Sean Hodges in Billabong 885 (QMSC/UL) led off, closely followed
thought they were in with a chance by Lucy Boreham and Rachel
of second place but James Thanks to Martin Smethers and Crebbin (Chichester YC) and the
recovered and Alastair maintained his race team, also to the ladies in Bickford team. Guy Davison
first place. the catering team for keeping us (Llangorse SC) in Dillon crewed by
all fed and watered. local youngster Toby McFarlane
Ian Turffrey was looking rather rusty after his
early morning start .... But the
14 Captain
current class national champion
his report on the seemed to wake up after two
T Firefly Open was rounds and slowly clawed his way
sent in by the winner up and then on a slightly fluky beat
of the Trophy, Guy had a bit of Ricky luck for a change
Davison. and was right on the leading two
Rickmansworth SC hosted the boats transoms. On the next beat
Chili Supper Saturday evening Dillon took some good shifts and
2nd M25 trophy event of 2019 for
the Firefly class on Saturday took the lead which they held to
Race 2 on Sunday morning 11th May on a lovely barmy the 4th lap and the finish. Lucy and
conditions were easier, with Ian on breeze type of day. Four visitors Rachel held 2nd.
the line only to be overhauled trailed to Troy Lake where they The wind lightened for the second
slowly by Alastair then both of us were met by bacon butties and race, which Dillon made best use of
tea served by Caroline Webb – as at the start getting away on port
ever the enthusiastic class ahead of the fleet. By now Toby,
captain! The visitors were joined Guy’s local crew had worked it all
by a small but lively local Ricky out and shepherded Guy expertly
fleet. around the course! The rest of the
It was great to see Johnny fleet had a great race with lots of
Bickford return to the fleet after a place changes, but Dillon stayed
short break, crewed by his son ahead managing to avoid those
Charles who is a mere 5 years Troy lake calm patches for
old. Charles had a good day with once. Again Lucy and Rachel
some mixed weather experience, fought off the challengers and took
namely a sudden cloudburst and 2nd place. Matt and Laura took
squall at the end of the 2nd back 3rd.
Troy Times - 7 - June 2019