Page 3 - Troy Times June 2019
P. 3

From the                     two  veg  when  you  go home,  you

                                            will  not  have  room  for  it.    I  am
            House Chair                     sure  Caroline  will  outline  the

                                            sailing programme elsewhere.
                                            That was the good and interesting
        think  we  have  just  experienced   part, now I am afraid I am going to
     I  our busiest time of the year with   have  a  couple  of  moans.  Firstly,
     the  Open  Meetings  held  over  the   we  are  trying  to  keep  the  main
     weekend  of  Saturday  11th  and       club  room  clear  of  objects  which
     Sunday  12th  May,  where  we  did     don’t  belong  there;  namely  sails,
     lunch and tea on both days for an      rudders,  tillers,  clothing  and  life
     unknown      number.    This   was     jackets.    We  have  a  new  cleaner
     followed  seven  days  later  by  Push   starting  on  the  21sy  May.  She
     the Boat Out, there was a barbeque     should  not  be  expected  to  move
     ably   manned      by   Peter    de    all  the  ‘stuff’  that  is  left  lying
     Schulthess  and  Tomaz.    The  ladies   around, and we would like her to
     were  in  the  kitchen,  of  course,   have clear access to the tables so
     serving  out  many  cups  of  tea,     that she can wipe them down and         iam  has  been  a  familiar  face
     coffee and cake all day.  I must say   clean  them.    The  life  jackets   L  both behind and in front of the
     a big thank you to all the members     should  be  put  back  with  all  the   bar  for  several  years.  He  has
                                            others,  after  the  first  Wednesday
     who  donated  cakes  for  both                                              decided  that  the  time  has  now
                                            night  sail  I  found  two  life  jackets
     weekends.  We did have some left                                            come  for  him  to  hang  up  the  bar
                                            just left on a bench by the starting
     over  and  they  have  been  frozen                                         keys  and  hand  over  to  someone
                                            box  stairs,  please  hang  them  up
     because  there  is  another  Open                                           fresh.
                                            with  the  rest.  If  we find  personal
     Meeting in September.                                                       So, unless someone comes forward
                                            life  jackets  that  have  been  left
     I  have  now  come  home  for  a  rest   around  the  Club  room  they  will   to  take  over  from  Liam,  the  social
     until the next big event which is the   automatically    become      the    side  of  the  Club  will  undoubtably
                                                                                 suffer through lack of the right kind
     Summer  Lunch  and  Regatta  on        property of RSC and will be found    of lubrication.
     Saturday  22nd  June.    We  are       on the racks of club life jackets.
     planning a barbeque with a choice                                           This is not an arduous task, it really
                                            My  other  rant  is  that  the  Club   is  a  question  of  making  sure  that
     of  beef burgers or  chicken  breasts
                                            purchased  forty  eight  new  tea    we  have  sufficient  stocks  and  that
     and  for  those  of  you  who  would
                                            mugs and they were placed in the     these are replenished as required.
     prefer  something  not  barbequed,
                                            cupboard during March. There are     It  is  a  job  that  can  be  undertaken
     Coronation Chicken.  There will be
                                            now only nineteen of these mugs      by anyone in the Club, you do not
     several  salads  to  accompany  the
                                            left in the cupboard, please where   have to be a sailor, you do not even
     meats    followed  by  delicious                                            have  to  be  a  man;  I’m  sure  there
     summer  sweets  such  as  pavlova,     are  the  missing  twenty  nine?     would be volunteers to help a lady
     roulade  and  strawberries  and        Please  search  your  boats,  your   move the stock around as required.
     cream  plus  cheese  and  biscuits.    sailing  bags  and  if  you  find  any
     The  price  for  this  feast  is  £10  a   please  return  them  clean  to  the   Liam  has  been  at  the  helm  of  the
                                                                                 bar  for  4½  years  and  has  brought
     person or £20 for a family of four,    cupboard.
                                                                                 innovations and charm to that part
     which, I think you will agree, is very   Finally, and not a rant this time, I
                                                                                 of club life, which is so essential in
     reasonable.  You do not have to be     would just like to thank everyone
                                                                                 any club. If you feel that you have
     sailing everyone is welcome to join    who  helped  out  at  the  Open      the  attributes  and  willingness  to
     us  for  lunch,  so  long  as  we  know   Meetings and Push the Boat Out,   take  over  as  Bar  Secretary,  would
     you  are  coming.    Please  pre-book   it  really  does  make  a  difference   you  please  speak  to  one  of  the
     your ticket(s) by sending an e-mail    when  there  are  willing  helpers,   Officers or Committee Members, or
     to  or    thank you.                           to  Liam,  and  we  can  you  give  you
     book  via  the  web  site.  we  would                                       details as to what is involved. It is

     love  to  see  you  whether  you  are                                       understood  that  he  will  still  be
     sailing or not.  Forget the roast and                                       conducting trips to the boat shed!
     Troy Times                                            - 3 -                                           June 2019
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