Page 6 - Troy Times June 2019
P. 6
Club Enterprise
he weather forecast wasn’t
T very promising for the second he Committee
Trojans session but we had six T have found a club
young people turn up to sail. It was member to undertake
a day of sunshine, showers and the cleaning for us.
squally winds but everyone got on Jayne Hodges will be
the water in a mixture of boats starting on Friday the
(Oppies/Picos and a Tera). A lot of 31st May.
fun was had blasting around the However, we do have to help with
lake and a fair bit of swimming was this. Jayne will be removing ANY
done too. Thanks to Sue and clothing or gear left in the
Caroline for manning the BBQ, John Clubhouse or changing rooms and
and Andrew for providing safety put it somewhere for you to
cover as well as Alexia and Peter reclaim.
for helping on shore. Will the Duty Officer or whoever is
The next session will be on last out, please remove the waste
Saturday June 1st. If you would like rubbish from the galley bin and
to come along and haven't already place in a Biffa. Food waste should
done so, please let me know. You not be left overnight in the kitchen
can find more details on the Club big thank you goes to as this attracts vermin.
website. A Peter deSchulthess who spent
Louise much of the winter in S P
bringing an Enterprise A
up to standard for our D
use. This has now A D
joined the Club fleet of N L
boats and will be used D E
for both training and for B
The Club will be open on
Tuesday 11 and Wednesday 26 th hire by members. Those O
June from 1300, of you who were at the PTBO Day, U A
when U3A will be sailing. will have seen it in action then. This is P R
All RSC members are welcome. not the original number. D
JUNE Duty Roster
Troy Times - 6 - June 2019